Lust, fun and fright

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(Listen to Haunt Me by Johnny Goth)

When the air around you changes
And the phantoms arrive
You're not frightened
Your heart beating too fast
Barely alive
You're not scared
Even though they reach onto your bed
Filling the void
Flirting with your head
When their boney fingers reach you
To touch and savour you
You're not anxious at all
You're high high high
Somewhere out of this world
Doesn't matter if I wait for ghosts
Wait to be haunted
A guest expected by a host
With a bit of insanity
Touch of immortality
You're soaring tonight
With an angelic fright
And a touch of heaven
That makes you want to die
I'll be waiting
For the phantoms to come
And make me feel alive
With something of
lust, fun and ...fright.

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