chapter 2.

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I see Liam standing behind Niall. He's holding a piece of paper with the text 'hug him'. I hug Niall for a long time. I look him in his eyes and i say "Niall i'll never cheat on you okay?” “Okay, i love you Chelsea" he says. “I love you too, Niall. Let's go home" i say "yeah, it's been a long day and i'm tired" Niall says. You both hug Liam and you thank him for helping you.

I and Niall are going home. It's quiet in the car, all the way long. I'm going inside. I'm laying in bed. i'm very tired so i sleep quickly.


"Good morning, beautiful" Niall says and he kisses my lips. "I was thinking about what happened yesterday the whole night and.... " "NO NIALL! Stop don't talk about yesterday, please" i say. "Okay then" he says. I look deep in his eyes and he looks back. "I love you" he says. "I love you too Nialler"

we're laying down there for a few minutes in each other's arms. Then Niall says "do you want to go on a date with me tonight, since i got back from tour?". "aww Niall ofcourse, you're so cute" i answer. "But i don't have a dress". "well, let's go shopping first. i need some new shirts" Niall says


"Let's go to the H&M first" I say. It's one of my favorite shops and I always buy there too many clothes. I already have 4 shirts and 3 shorts when Niall shows up. "Hey I saw this shirt and I thought you would like it" he says. "What let me see. Let me seeeee" I almost scream. Niall always picks the shirts I love. I never find them anywhere. He shows a very cool shirt. "Woah Niall. I really like that shirt. I wanna try it on." I'm going with the shorts and shirts to the fitting-room and try everything on.

"Chelsea you're so beautiful" Niall says. "No, I'm not" I say back. "yes, you're a very beautiful girl" I hear someone saying behind me and I know that voice. but who is it? I turn around and I see Kinsley. "Omg Kinsley!" I say and I give her a hug. "Niall, this is Kinsley, she's my best friend. and Kinsley, this is Niall and he's my boyfriend" I say. "Nice to meet you" they say at the same time. "I have to go, I see you guys later" Kinsley says. "aw, regrettably. see you later. bye bye" I say. "bye, love ya" Kinsley says and she gives me a hug.

"I'm going to buy everything okay Niall?" I say. "yeah, cool. I'll go search some shirts for myself" Niall says. I'm walking to the cash desk and pay for my shirts and shorts. the cashier says "that's $30" I give her the money and i walk back to Niall. "hey, you already found something?" I ask. "No, nothing.  everytime I see some cool shirts, they are too big or too small" Niall says.


okay, this is a short one but i lost my acc on wattpad. but i have it back, yay :D 

thanks for reading and please vote :D

coming more soon (: (: (: 

- x Me

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