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- The Next Day, University of Wellston -

"Clearly there is something deeper going on here." Isen tried to explain while the four of us ( John, Me, him and Blyke. ) were studying.

"A heirarchy in ruin, doesn't that remind you of something?" John opened a bottle of water and took a huge glug.

"Let's not remember that." I sigh. "I'm starting to realize that most institutions have power heirarchys now."

"But there could be a something else going on, you know if there is a huge disagreement on who should be King, they're missing a Queen and the heirarchy no longer works together I think there could a bigger underlying issue." Isen added.

Blyke ruffled his hair. "Look I don't care about an underlying issue. It's probably for some dumb emo reason, I really don't give a shit."

Reading the energy of the room, it seems like everyone is sick of this kind of topic. I also agree with the rest of them but for some reason I feel an obligation to do something about since after all we are all attending this college.

"Well...." I begin, feeling a little embarrassed. "The King offered me a position as the Queen."

John looks surprised. "Emerson?"

"Yeah, that guy. I met him on accident, its a long story but yes he offered the title to me." I explain.

Isen gave some thought. "Well, maybe you could use that to your advantage and look further into what is going on. You wouldn't have to do much, just do some Turf Wars and maybe other things."

"Clearly he hasn't been in a heirarchy." John smirked. "It's a bit more difficult than that."

"But I do see your point, you know what I might take it. I hated being the Queen but maybe just long enough to get a better idea of what's going around here."

- WellstonUniversity Campus Grounds. Mitchell's POV -

I stand outside campus grounds, handing out flyers to everyone for a school spondered event that was happening next week. It was going to be a large outdoor movie theater, you know those ones that you sit on a blanket on the grass.

Well this one would be in the main campus park and the school was offering free drinks and snacks, it sounded like it would be a lot of fun!

So as I said, Jack and I as part of the heirarchy was doing our duty and handed out flyers to other students.

Jack had just given away about half of his stack when he asked. "Hey, have you seem Em? I wonder if he is handing out flyers too?"

"Come to think of it, no I haven't. " I ponder why I haven't even seen him once today. "Maybe we'll see him later, I've got to get more flyers though since I only have like three left, I'll come back in just sec." I'll tell Jack and quickly make my way inside to a printer room where another stack of flyers were sitting.

But I opened the door to the room and noticed Emerson standing over a printer, which seemed to be printing paperwork. But was interesting that he had a girl next to him.

 But was interesting that he had a girl next to him

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She looked intimidating and to be honest I never even seen her before so it came to a little surprise to see her with him.

"Hey um, whatcha up to?" I ask, wondering what he would even be printing.

"Some paperwork I needed to draw up." He replies in a monotone.

"Who's this?" I ask once more while I pick up the stack of flyers and prepare to exit the room.

"I'm Carmilla." The girl immediately replies, with a smile that helps push her intimidating look. "You're the Jack aren't you?"

"Y-yes, I am. I'm Mitchell."

"Carmilla is my co-worker so to speak." Emerson adds while turning off the printer after he printed what he needed.

"We work in what you could call a non-profit," She continues to smile. "Its hard work since it requires powerful people in order to execute it's goals."

Somehow the whole situation feels different, as if him and Carmilla are plotting something. I already suspected something was up with Em and now I especially don't want him being King.

Emerson gets ready to leave but before he does he gives me a business card. "The non-profit is called Corru-Shift, if you want more information you can contact this number. Any help is appreciated."

"U-um okay, thanks." I reply.

"I'll see you around." Em replies, he then puts his paperwork in a sealed yellow file envelope and leaves the room. Carmilla would follow but delays for only a second just to get a good look at me and say "Huh, you look too innocent for someone who might I say be......comprimised?" She chuckles and leaves.

What the hell is Emerson and that emo chick even talking about?! Comprimised? Me? Did I? No they couldn't.... Whatever that situation was, I'm just going to leave and go back to handing flyers with Jack however theres no doubt I'm going to tell him about this fucking weird situation. Big question is however, what kind of non-profit are they even running?!

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