My Drugs

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"Oh heavens, are you okay?"

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"Oh heavens, are you okay?"

Full name: Winter

Nickname: Blue, Sunflower, White Angel.

Sex: Male

Gender: Agender, They/Them

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Winter is a more quiet yet cheerful and carefree person. They want the best for everyone but also they tend to sit quietly in a corner for hours on end due to being too nervous to talk to anyone. They are a more os introvert, tending to have people notice them first instead of walking up to someone, they just don't want to be rude is all. They are very soft spoken and polite, they are selective mute so they use sign language a lot but when they don't, they actually talk but they never speak louder than a whisper.

Phobias: Nyctophobia, Hemophobia, Tryphobia, Trypanophobia, Arachnophobia, Proditiophobia.

Likes: Sunflower seeds, sweets, cookies, animal crackers, helping people, shiny objects, the stars and moon, books, peace, having friends, giving people gifts as a way to say thank you or whatever, learning new things from people, making friendship bracelets, touching more so hugs/holding hands/etc, video games, pottery, animals, glitter, fruits, jewelry.

Dislikes: Being lied to, salty foods, rude or annoying people, having to talk so much, the lower half of their face, people harming their friends, people not being honest, needles, trains, snow globes, someone trying to hurt them, flashing lights, spiders, closed spaces, anything too hot or too cold, burning themselves, cliffs, salty or spicy foods, vegetables, blood.

Family: Idk rn who all their family is in heaven



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