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Every society functions under a set of rules and regulations to qualify as democratic. Centuries ago, prior to the emergence of democracy, monarchy was the dominant form of governance. Mighty emperors from expansive territories united and created a clandestine chamber called  it the Chamber of Guardians to safeguard their people from intruders.

Initially, this chamber served the kingdom during crises. As time went on and the monarchy receded, giving way to colonial rule, the founding members rebranded it as the Chamber of Dawn.

The main motto of the chamber was to set strategies for fight. They aimed to shield their country, to be its guardians. However, as the saying goes, even the devil was once an angel. Trapped in the surrounding darkness, they were pulled into a twisted web of deceit. 

Their once noble intentions became tainted by power and corruption, leading them down a path of betrayal and treachery. The very country they swore to protect now lay in ruins at their feet, a tragic reminder of how easily good intentions can be twisted into something darker.

The protectors have transformed into predators. The seven founding families, once sworn to safeguard the nation, have now morphed into parasites preying on its people.

Each member of the council holds significant sway in society, exerting control over the country's politics, economy, and technology.Their influence is felt in every aspect of daily life, from the prices at the market to the laws passed in parliament. The people have become mere pawns in their game of power and greed,

They have done everything and are willing to do anything to gain power over the country. The chamber has been tightly knit, with only the family and descendants of the founding members being able to join.Their influence extends far and wide, reaching into every sector of society. They pull the strings behind the scenes, manipulating events to suit their own agenda.

The common people, unaware of the true nature of the Chamber of Dawn, continue to live their lives under the illusion of a democratic society. But behind closed doors, the shadows of corruption loom large, casting a dark veil over the nation's future. The once noble intentions of the chamber have long been forgotten, replaced by greed and a thirst for power that knows no bounds. As the citizens remain oblivious to the true puppeteers pulling the strings, the Chamber of Dawn tightens its grip, ensuring that their reign of deception remains unchallenged.

The once sacred space filled with whispers of truth and wisdom now echoed with the sinister laughter of those consumed by lies and betrayal. The walls that once held the light of dawn now seemed to close in, suffocating all who dared to enter. This Chamber stood as a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked within even the most holy of places.

The 7 decades old chamber of Dawn slowely but surely turned into CHAMBER OF THE DECEIT.

The members call it Chamber D. 



-They own the R corp and are the richest in the country since decades.

-They're the most influential and the most important members of the chamber

-They're leading the chamber from 5 decades.


-They own the Raichand Industries,It dominates various industries such as finance, manufacturing, and technology, wielding immense economic power.

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