Friend or Foe?

451 35 8

~3rd POV~

Type was exhausted and this was only the second meeting. Maybe him being bored played into that.

He just wanted to curl under some blankets and sleep. At least his brain wouldn't think while he slept.

Tharn was now doing business with a drug lord that wanted more land to grow and produce drugs. Type had never even interacted with drugs before he was picked up.

Type was resting on Tharn's lap with another glass of juice. He had received a 'gift' of a slice of chocolate cake from Master.

He had taken a few bites, but now the two glasses of juice were hitting him. He now had to think about trying to convince his master that he needed the bathroom.

He waited until the conversation died down a little bit. He lightly touched Tharn's hand with his fingertips. Tharn again acknowledged him by placing his hand on his head and cocking a brow in question.

"May I use the restroom master?" Type softly whispered.

"Mn, take mind of your actions." Tharn reminded before having someone guide Type to the bathroom.

Type did his business and went to wash his hands. He ignored the mirror and rubbed the nicely scented foam in his hands. He quickly rinsed and dried his hands before being escorted back.

Type returned to Tharn and was welcomed back to the lap he's been occupying most of the morning and part of the afternoon.

Had he explained he was bored yet?

He absent-mindedly finished his cake and played with the spoon to let his brain do something.

Tharn did business for another hour before they left for the final location. This time, they would instead be at an underground club for quite a bit of time.

Tharn ordered a room to be prepared for them because they would be there at 4 but business would only start taking place at 8.

Tharn dragged Type along again through the pretty empty club with a few people around that weren't workers. They entered the room and Tharn ordered him to lay down after he removed his shoes.

Type took them off and laid down on the bed while Tharn removed his tie and stuff until he was just in pants and shirt with a few buttons undone.

He laid down and got comfortable before dragging Type closer and enjoying his pet's heat. Tharn decided they would nap until later that evening.

They did sleep for 2 hours but Type woke up earlier than Tharn. Tharn was still softly snoring with one arm around Type and the other cushioning his own head.

Type quietly sat up and looked around the room. It was just a bed and a large nightstand next to them that furnished the whole room. There were also a bunch of rings on the bedpost that Type thought was a tacky decoration decision, but it wasn't his place to say anything.

He slowly left the bed and approached the door. He kept turning back in fear but the steady snores helped him move a few more steps. He turned the knob and it opened.

He quickly went out the door and closed it behind him as he scanned the hallway. Their room was at the head of the hall with the others lining the sides down to the open floor of the club.

He could hear some music playing and a few voices but not enough to consider it late in the evening for party goers to come out yet. He walked down the hall and tried to observe the layout to see any possible exits he could discretely escape from.

Type was getting a little desperate because he genuinely doesn't know how long he's been gone or how long Tharn plans to keep him. What he hasn't realized yet is this is the exact club he was first at before Tharn took him.

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