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~3rd POV~

Tharn was observing all the clothes that were brought for Type. He wanted his pet to shine for his first time outside his home.

He was trying to decide on either the flowy white top with baby blue thigh highs or the deep blue silk shirt and black leather shorts.

Type was finishing up a shower and drying his hair when Tharn made his decision.

"These are your clothes, kitten. Hurry and get dressed. I have a strict schedule and time is....precious."

Type nodded and got dressed in the pale clothes. The clothes flowed around his body and it covered the most skin since he was grabbed. He ignored the mirror as he walked out of the bathroom and went to kneel by Tharn's feet.

"Look up at me, kitten." Tharn ordered.

Type raised his head but kept his gaze down. Tharn squeezed his cheeks as he seemed to analyze Type's face.

"I need to avoid hitting your face in the future. You're too pretty. Can't ruin it with my hands now. Don't anger me enough to hit these precious cheeks, hm?" Tharn warned.

Type whispered out a mumbled 'yes' and Tharn let go of his cheeks. Tharn pointed to a medium-sized box on the table and ordered,"Go open the box and put them on."

Type got up and sat on the couch to open the white box. He lifted the lid and saw a pair of white lace-up boots. They were matte and soft under his fingers as he brought them out and slipped them over his feet. He laced them up and admired them once they were on.

"How pretty." He thought.

He got up and went back to Tharn by the door, his new boots clicking on the way.

"Thank you, master."

"Mn, now let's go. I have an important lunch to get to."

Type was quiet as he followed behind Tharn outside the house and actually saw what the building looked like in the day.

He almost gasped out loud when he felt the sun hit his face.

When was the last time he was outside?

Tharn got inside the blacked out SUV and Type went in behind him and sat down. He put on his seat belt and watched Tharn pull a laptop out from somewhere and start working on it.

Type fiddled with his nails to pass time as he was dragged to who knows where. Tharn was busy looking at drug stocks in every country while Type sat bored.

Tharn ordered different countries to go down in stock on some drugs and go up in others. This will have shipping rates and prices go higher for dealers to get ahold of for their areas. He couldn't wait to hear about new crimes addicts would commit during withdrawals or trying to steal the actual product.

Besides, a few politicians wanted some drug crimes to make stories out of to boost their votes or standings with promises to fix them.

How pathetic those people were.

Tharn received plenty of money and buildings in return but he'll just run them out of office when the next terms came around.

Tharn put away the laptop when they were 5 minutes away from the restaurant. He looked over at Type to observe him before they went in.

He knew he made the right choice on Type's clothing since it looked like an angel landed on the seat.

So pretty....

And he's caused it to fall apart in his hands.

Tharn smiled at the memories of his cock in Type's ass. He might make new memories tonight after dinner. He'll see what mood he'll be in tonight.

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