Chapter One - Jessica - Age Six - The Birth of Cain

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Cain awoke to the sound of two women screaming. His eyes flew open. He found himself standing before a large cracked mirror in a darkened room. Four large mirrored shards of glass made up the bulk of the mirrors surface, but the rest was scattered in smaller fragments about his feet. He heard a whimper behind him, and spun on the ball of one booted foot, and jumped to the left of the mirror, away from the shattered glass fragments. He landed in a combat ready crouch, senses alert for any sound or movement. He spotted the two women sitting on the floor, clinging to each other, obviously terrified, but his eyes kept scanning, looking for hidden dangers in the shadows of this poorly lit room. Finding none, his eyes returned to the two women. One was younger, maybe late teens, with thick glasses that made her look like a librarian. The other looked to be in her forties. The elder one was in tears, and it looked like the younger one was not far from it either. Both looked to be in a panic.

 "Who are you, where are we, and what in the hell is going on?" he said feeling that there was danger, but confused as to what it might be.

 The younger woman stood, and quickly helped the elder woman to rise. Together they approached the mirror. The elder woman placed one hand on the left-hand shard within the mirrors frame while the younger woman placed a hand on the right-hand shard. With their remaining hands they both touched the bottom shard.

 "Brace yourself.", the young woman said.

 "Wha...?" Cain started to say, But then all thought was drowned out by a kaleidoscope of colour, sound, and emotion. He felt like he was drowning as images of a life not his own, flowed around and through him. He was being shown Jessicas life, her memories, hopes and dreams. It was all here before him. From the moment of the crash, to the present day, six years, of experience in the space of a few heart beats. He instantly knew everything that he needed to. Then he heard the elder womans voice, speaking gently to him.

 "My name is Willow, and I was the first to awaken. I am giving you all of my memories about this childs life so far. We are apart of her, someone is trying to molest her as she sleeps. Will you help her?"

 "My name is Glyph" the younger woman said, You can control Jessicas body by use of the mirror shards. Hers is the top, and yours is the bottom. Touch yours first, then hers, to take control of her body. Will you help her?"

 Suddenly both women dropped their hands from the face of the mirror to grab at their left breast. Cain understood after a few seconds what was happening, when he felt something massage the left side of his chest. Willow started crying again.

 "Glyph, can you show me the girls room in daylight?" Glyph quickly reached for her shard, and then touched his. And then he saw images of what the room looked like just before Jessica had gone to bed. There were three other beds in the room, all occupied by other little girls getting ready to go to sleep. He saw nothing that he would be able to use as a weapon.

 "And beyond the door?" he asked. More images flashed into his mind showing the hallway outside Jessica's room, the kitchen, the bedrooms of other orphans, and the stairways, leading to the bathrooms and the other levels of the building. In a few moments he knew the entire layout of the building.

 "Willow, dry your eyes and snap out of it. I've got a plan that should work, but I may need your help. I need you to keep Jessica under, and not to let her wake up. Can you do that?" Willow looked up at him, then placed one hand on her shard, and another on Jessicas.

 "She will not awaken." Willow said quietly.

 "I may need a few moments to adjust to her body. Stay close in case I need information."

 "We will." both ladies said in unison. Cain strode forward and placed one hand on the bottom shard within the mirrors frame. He could feel something moving down and across his chest. Then something touched his knee and moved up towards his groin. He took a deep breath, and then placed his other hand on the top shard.

 It had worked. He lay on his back, with his eyes closed. Cain could feel the pressure of someone leaning over him, touching him. He knew he was at a disadvantage by being trapped in such a small body. He had to bide his time and get off the bed. Then a thought struck him. This might be easier than he thought if he did it right. He quickly sketched out a plan in his mind, and sent the thought back to Glyph. He could feel Glyphs apprehension, and then that feeling was doubled as Glyph told Willow of the plan. Cain opened his eyes and let his hand move over the adult hand stroking his chest. He felt all movement stop as his little fingers gently stroked the back of the hand cupping his chest.

 "Don't stop." Cain whispered into the darkness. He felt movement, as the shadowy figure moved up the bed.

 "Do you like that Jess?" the voice whispered, as a hand played with his nipple.

 "Yes, it feels good, but I gotta go to the bathroom. Can you take me?" Cain whispered back.

 "Sure, but be very quiet, so we don't wake the others, okay?"

 "Okay" Cain said, as the shadow took his hand and helped him from Jessicas bed. Once Cain was standing he realised that his plan was slightly flawed. Jessicas head bearly came past the shadow-mans waist. Hand in hand they headed for the door. The door opened, they stepped through, and the door closed behind them. The hallway outside the bedroom was lit at one end by a low watt bulb. Cain knew by the images that Glyph had flashed to him that would be where the stairs were. He quickly shook his hand free of the hand holding his and made a quick dash for the stairs. He heard the steps behind him quicken, trying to catch up. He rushed down four of the twelve steps, stopped, turned, and waited for the other person to reach the top. Cain lifted his hand, as if wanting the other person to take it, all the while keeping his eyes on the mans feet.

 "Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly." Cain thought to himself, adrenalin pumping through his veins. The man at the top of the stairs put his hand out to take Jessicas hand. Just as his right foot lifted to move forwards, Cain made a move of his own. His hand dropped away from the hand of the man coming towards him, and he dove forward in an attempt to intercept the mans foot. Using Jessicas forearm, he managed a basic ankle-tap maneuver, and gravity did the rest. The mans other hand made a desperate grab for the handrail as he stumbled, but the only thing that accomplished, was his head connecting with the handrail as he fell past it. After a few seconds, the mans body came to rest at the bottom of the stairs in a face up position. Cain stood and quickly moved towards the body, and the mans head. He looked down at the face.

 "It's Father Claude, one of the priests that teaches history and math to the elder children." Willows thought told him.

 "Break contact with me but keep the girl asleep." he thought back to both women. They complied immediately. Cain lifted the chin of Father Claude, exposing his throat, lifted Jessicas little foot, and then brought it crashing down, severing the windpipe. Cain headed back up the stairs, quietly opened the door to Jessicas room, and went back to bed. In a few moments he found himself standing beside Willow, before the fractured mirror again.

 "It appears that we have a lot to discuss." Cain said in a low voice, glad to be back in his own body again. 

"My own body?" Cain whispered. He looked across at the two women.

Both looked back at him, with different expressions written across their faces. The elder one, Willow, looked to be in her late fourties, five foot ten, with a slightly asian cast to her features. She had long straight black hair that fell passed her shoulders to the middle of her back, with a few touches of grey. The lines around her mouth gave the impression that she hardly ever smiled, or that she had forgotten how.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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