chapter 7 - Apologise

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Vegas : fucking slut , I'll punish him for disobedience

Quinn : you've gone insane Vegas... You've lost your mind

Vegas : let him come he'll surely pay for this

Dawn : I won't let you do this to him, he's a good guy.. he doesn't deserve this

Vegas : then get lost

Drake and Pete came after sometime, Drake opened the door if his car and supported Pete

Pete : thank you khun I'll go on my own

Drake : I'll drive you Pete

Pete : no khun it's okay

Drake : Pete...

Pete smiled at him and Drake help him to get inside the station,when they got inside Vegas was sitting on a chair fuming in anger and Quinn and Dawn were shaking their heads, Drake scoffed seeing him

Vegas : where the fuck did you go (he shouted)

Pete flinched but Drake held him closer

Pete : khun Vegas I I... Was

Vegas got up from the chair and threw the papers on Pete's face

Drake : what is this

He picked up them and looked at Vegas

Drake : suspension and transfer orders?

Vegas : yes this whore needs to go,he fucking didn't obey me and didn't work properly so as his senior I'm punishing him

Pete sobbed hard ... He took the papera from Drake and ran outside

Drake : pete ... Wait

Vegas : see his disobedience..he even ran out without greeting me ... I should have fined him too and made him clean everything

Drake went towards Vegas and grabbed his collar

Vegas : what are you doing.. leave

Quinn and Dawn held him

Drake : you've no idea what he's going through

Vegas could sense fury sparkling in Drake's eyes

Drake : do you know he got faint ? He has a bleeding nose

Vegas looked at him with scared eyes

Drake : I took him to hospital... He was unconscious..he has been on a IV and the doctor told me he had an allergic reaction so he had bruises... He didn't ate anything from morning.. he worked for 12 hours even in sun he was working so he got dehydrated and had a low BP ... He was having fever too... He vomitted on our way to station

Vegas felt like a stone cursing on his heart ... Drake pushed him and went outside to find Pete

Vegas got his car keys and started searching for pete.. he was so stressed thinking about Pete ... He searched and came to an alley when he saw the figure of pete wiping his tears and walking... He went towards him and called him

Vegas : hey Pete please stop ...

But when Pete saw him he started walking fast and wipes his tears

Vegas : okay I'm sorry pete... I'm really sorry for hurting you... Please come inside

Pete didn't listen to him and kept walking ... Vegas drove faster and parked it infront of Pete .. he quickly got out of the car when he realised pete was walking away... He ran behind him and grabbed his hand..  but Pete jerked his hand ... Pete has tears in his eyes and Vegas heart ached for the second time seeing him like that

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