Get Over It! Trust in Valtryek!

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Valt bite the bread and use the fork to grab the sausage on the plate and eat it. Then, he bite the bread again.

He take the cup and drank it and he harshly put down the cup on the table.

"Look, Valt. I know what you're going through, but..." Chiharu said, worried. "You shouldn't take it out on breakfast,"

"Mmhm," The Aoi Twins nodded in agreement. You were there too. Since you missed breakfast, Chiharu gladly give you the bread, which you baldly accept it.

"But listen! Ever since yesterday, everywhere I look, Wakiya's there!" Valt said as his cheeks become big.

"Was that..." Toko said.

"English?" Nika said.

"Swallow, then talk," Chiharu said, hand him the cup of water. The bluenette gladly accepted it and drank it.

"Listen!" Valt said after he's done. "Here!" He pointed at the bread in the basket, an image of Wakiya appears. "Here!" He pointed at the cereal, Wakiya's there. "Here, here, and here!" He stared to pointed everywhere. "Here, here, here!" He touched his head. "I see Wakiya's face everywhere!"

"Huh?" Chiharu looked at the bluenette. "You trained so hard yesterday, and didn't seem upset at all," she said.

"Well, I had a dream!" Valt said. His mind remind him the dream.

"Jeez. With that much trainin', yer real mistaken of ya think ya can beat my Shield Launch,' Wakiya said. "Yer naive,"

"That's it!" Valt gritted his teeth in anger as a tick mark on his forehead appears. "It makes me so mad!"

"He had nightmares about it?" Toko narrowed his eyes.

"He must've been pretty upset," Nika said, narrowed her eyes too. You and Chiharu sighed.

"This isn't good," Chiharu said, you nodded in agreement.

Valt gritted his teeth as his eyes become sharp

"Ya know, you should get a new bey,"

"It can't beat me,"

"I feel sorry for Valtryek, having you as a partner,"

"That Wakiya...!" Valt angrily muttering and begin to eat fast.

"Hey now, calm down!" Chiharu said, you sighed and the Aoi Twins sweatdropped at their big brother.

"Bro..." Toko said.

"You're too worked up!" Nika said.

Valt ate too fast, this made you sighed.



"I'll win!" Valt yelled out as he put both hands on the bench near Rantaro, who were sitting on the bench.(He's pinned Rantaro- NO YAOI, PLEASE)

"Get off of me, it's too early for this crap!" Rantaro glared at the bluenette. "You're spitting,"

"It's Wakiya!" Valt said, put away his hands.

"That still?" Rantaro said.

"He didn't wanna battle me at all!" Valt said. "Thinking Valtryek's some lab rat, making fun of him!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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