Beyblade Club: Let's Get Started!

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You're in front of Aoi Residence, waiting for Valt. You sighed and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Chiharu opened the door.

"Good morning, (Name)," Chiharu smiled. You smiled back.

"Good morning, Mrs. Aoi," you said. "Where's Valt?"

"You know, as usual," Chiharu replied. "Come on in,"

You smiled and steps in the house.

"Toko, Nika, go wake your brother up!"


You followed the Aoi Twins to Valt's room and when you three arrived there, you didn't see Valt.

"Bro's gone..." Toko said.

"Huh? Did he already leave?" Nika asked.

You walk in the room and about to take a peek at the edge of the bed but...


You slightly flinched and the Aoi Twins and you took a peek at the edge of the bed, you three saw Valt were sleeping with bubble on his nose.


In Valt's dream, an image of Daigo.

"Let it...Rip!" Daigo released Doomscizer into the stadium.

"Let's go. Rush Laun-" Valt about to release his bey but the string got stucked. "Why!?"

Back to reality.

"Weird way to sleep," Nika comment.

"Bro, get up!"

The Aoi Twins grab Valt's arm and try to wake him up.

"Time to go to school!"

"You'll be late again!"

"Go!" Valt shouted in his sleep, the bubble pop as he thrown the Aoi Twins out.

Valt woke up after hearing thud. The bluenette turned his head.

"What're you two doing-" Valt cut himself when he saw you. He blushed in embarrassment.

"Jeez!" The Aoi Twins said in sync as you sighed and facepalm.


Beigoma Academy.

"You two weren't late today, were you?" The voice of principal spoke.

"Nope! I won that battle!" Valt said. "Just... Made it!"

"He wasn't really late, sir," you said.

"Yeah!" Valt agreed with you.

"Participating in Beyblade tournament is fine, but you mustn't be late," the principal said.

"I won't, though..." Valt said, placing his hands behind his head. "Barely, I guess..."

"What do you mean, "barely"?" You asked, raised an eyebrow at Valt, he nervously chuckled as the principal stood up from his seat.

"Well?" The principal questioned. "What do you want?"

Valt grinned. "Lemme make a Beyblade Club here at our school!" He suggested.

"Huh?" You looked at Valt in confusion

"Beyblade Club?" The principal questioned.

"There's soccer, volleyball, and art clubs, right?" Valt said. "So, we can have a Beyblade Club just like those!"

"I see," the principal said, putting his finger on his chin.

"Principal!" Valt said. "Please!"

You sweatdropped at Valt.

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