Chapter 8: Late Nights and Long Debates(b)

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In the office Pantry, Akshara and Abhimanyu found themselves in a delicate dance of avoidance, their silent gestures echoing the unspoken tension between them. As they busied themselves with the mundane task of making coffee and snacks, their every movement betrayed their inner turmoil. The memory of their drunken antics, this morning's lift attraction and their few minutes prior heated bickering in the meeting room, hung over them like a heavy cloud.

Now, in the confined space of the pantry, their avoidance was a desperate attempt to shield themselves from the raw emotions simmering just beneath the surface. Yet despite their efforts to maintain distance, the magnetic pull between them was undeniable, drawing them closer with each passing moment. It was a delicate balance, teetering on the edge of something profound and intense, as they grappled with the unspoken desires that threatened to consume them whole.

Akshara's hands trembled slightly as she reached for the kettle, her heart pounding with the proximity of Abhimanyu. His presence seemed to electrify the air around them, igniting a fire within her that she struggled to contain. She stole furtive glances in his direction, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and desire.

But fate had other plans for them as though, Akshara attempted to evade Abhimanyu's gaze, a sudden yelp escaped her lips as scalding hot water splashed onto her hand due to her actions. Without hesitation, Abhimanyu rushed to her side, his concern palpable as he inspected her injury.

He quickly guided her to the nearby basin and ran cold water over her hand, all the while their eyes locking in an intimate exchange. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them suspended in a shared moment of vulnerability.

As Akshara gazed into Abhimanyu's hazel eyes, a warmth enveloped her, stirring emotions she had yet to fully comprehend. Unbeknownst to her conscious mind, those hazel orbs had subtly woven their way into her heart, becoming an unexpected addition to her list of favourite things.

With each gentle touch of his, as he tended to her, she felt a flutter in her stomach, a sensation that both comforted and unsettled her in its intensity. It was a feeling unlike any other, leaving her with an insatiable yearning for more of his presence, his touch, his essence. In that moment, she realized that Abhimanyu had become a source of solace and desire, his very existence awakening a newfound depth of emotion within her.

Abhimanyu was no different, in his world, her presence was a magnetic force, pulling him closer even as he fought to maintain his distance. His heart echoed with the desire to breach the barriers between them, yearning for a connection that transcended mere proximity. With each passing moment, he found himself ensnared by the allure of her presence, captivated by the possibility of a deeper bond between them.

But their brief respite was shattered by the intrusion of a curious colleague, their intimate moment was abruptly brought to an end.

With practised ease, Akshara and Abhimanyu slipped back into their familiar banter, their words laced with sarcasm and wit, successfully distracting their colleague as they did not want their intimate moments to get caught, only for others to gossip about it later, especially when they themselves were unsure about what the intense attraction they shared meant.

Akshara said while fake grimacing "Did you have to be so dramatic about my little mishap?"

Raising an eyebrow, Abhimanyu retorted with a smirk "Dramatic? Me? I was just ensuring you didn't turn that hand into a lobster, Ms. Goenka."

She rolled her eyes and replied, "I'm perfectly capable of handling a minor burn, thank you very much."

Still smirking at her facade, he countered "Oh, of course, because your track record with kitchen accidents is impeccable."

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