Chapter 6: Dusk's Embrace, Unwinding the Day(c)

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Akshara and Abhimanyu soon found themselves entangled in a challenge, egged on by their own ego and playful banter, to see who could down more shots. Their friends had moved to the dance floor, leaving Abhimanyu and Akshara engrossed in their own world. Shot after shot, their inhibitions melted away, and the air was thick with a different kind of attraction.

As they clinked their Nth shot glasses together, Abhimanyu grinned mischievously at Akshara. "You're going down this time, Akshara. I can practically hear those little heels shaking already."

Akshara rolled her eyes, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Please, Abhi. You can barely handle your liquor. I'll be sipping cocktails while you're on the floor."

Abhimanyu chuckled, leaning in closer. "Oh, confident, aren't we? Careful, or you might end up owing me a drink."

Akshara raised an eyebrow, the challenge evident in her gaze. "I'll take that bet. But don't cry when you're nursing a hangover tomorrow morning."

Their banter was filled with a flirtatious edge, gone were the formal sarcastic way of addressing, and each remark was laced with subtle hints of attraction. As they downed another shot, their laughter mingled with the music, drawing them closer together in the dimly lit corner of the bar.

Their usual banters had transformed into shameless flirtations as they ventured their tipsy selves onto the dance floor, swaying to a slow, romantic song that happened to be both their favourites. The dim lights and the intoxicating atmosphere heightened the tension between them. Akshara and Abhimanyu, both looking ravishing and unfamiliar from their office personas, were lost in each other's eyes.

As the music played on, the close proximity heated their bodies, and a hint of desire simmered in their gazes. On the dance floor, Akshara and Abhimanyu moved with a fluidity that seemed to defy gravity, their bodies synchronizing effortlessly to the rhythm of the music. The song, a slow, sensuous melody, wrapped around them like a warm embrace, pulling them closer with each step they took.

Their usual banter dissolved into something deeper, more primal, as they locked eyes and allowed themselves to be swept away by the intoxicating atmosphere. Akshara's petite frame fit perfectly against Abhimanyu's taller stature, their movements becoming a graceful dance of temptation and desire.

With each beat of the music, their proximity increased, the space between them narrowing until they were almost touching. The heat of their bodies mingled, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment. It was as if they were drawn together by an invisible force, unable to resist the pull of their mutual attraction.

As the song reached its climax, Akshara's hand found its way to Abhimanyu's cheek, her touch gentle yet electric. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his skin in a tantalizing caress. In response, Abhimanyu's breath caught in his throat, his own hand rising to cup her face as he returned the gesture with a soft kiss on her cheek.

In that moment, the line between playful banter and genuine attraction blurred beyond recognition. Emotions swirled chaotically within them, their hearts pounding in rhythm with the music as they teetered on the edge of something neither of them could fully comprehend.

As the song came to an end, Akshara and Abhimanyu found themselves suddenly aware of their close proximity. It was a sobering moment amidst the haze of attraction and desire that had enveloped them on the dance floor. They exchanged a fleeting glance, a silent acknowledgement of the intensity of their encounter.

Sensing the need to break the tension, Abhimanyu flashed a lopsided grin. "Well, that was... something."

Akshara chuckled softly, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "Definitely not your average colleague exchange."

With a mutual understanding, they decided to retreat to the bar for another round of drinks, a subtle attempt to ease the awkwardness that lingered between them. Shot after shot, they laughed and joked, allowing the alcohol to numb the edges of their uncertainty.

Eventually, the night caught up with them, and they found themselves passed out at the bar, oblivious to the world around them. It wasn't until their friends intervened, gently shaking them awake and ushering them towards the exit, that they realized the extent of their escapade.

As they stumbled out into the cool night air, their minds hazy with alcohol and emotion, Akshara and Abhimanyu shared a knowing smile. The attraction that had simmered beneath their office banter had now blossomed into something unexpected and electrifying. And though the night may have ended, the promise of something more lingered in the air, a tantalizing hint of what could be.


The morning light filtered through the curtains as both Akshara and Abhimanyu reluctantly opened their eyes to the harsh reality of throbbing headaches.

Akshara stirred from sleep, her head pounding with the aftermath of last night's revelry. Untangling herself from her slumbering and peacefully snoring best friend, she gingerly rose, her steps sluggish with the weight of her hangover. As she prepared a restorative lemon juice, memories of the previous evening flooded back, a smile tugging at her lips as she recalled the shared moments with Abhimanyu. Her hand instinctively reached to caress her cheek, the feeling of Abhimanyu's chaste kiss still lingering in her memory.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the city, Abhimanyu grimaced at the unwelcome ache in his head, a consequence of his ill-advised decision to overindulge on a weekday. Karan, his ever-supportive cousin, whipped him up a comforting hangover breakfast.

As they conversed, Abhimanyu's mind wandered back to the events of the previous night, a small smile gracing his lips at the memory of his time with Akshara, and a flicker of warmth lit up his features. However, soon it turned into a slight scowl when Karan probed him about the identity of the mysterious girl he was with and what her relationship status was.

A surge of unexpected jealousy rose within Abhimanyu. He hastily dismissed Karan's potential interest in Akshara by claiming that she was already committed, but soon realized the depth of his ignorance about her personal life.

What if she actually was in a relationship, the realization left a bitter taste in his mouth, igniting a sense of unease and introspection about his assumptions and feelings towards Akshara.


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