Hueco Mundo

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A great war had broken out, between two sides, two factions, two races. A side whom claimed the title of gods, believing superiority over the other. The other side in question simply extinguished evil spirits. This is a war of which spanned over a thousand years, titled the "Thousand Year Blood War", between Shinigami and Quincy. The conflict ending with the extinguishment of both sides "kings". Now the relationship between both factions will come to a new era, triggered from their losses.

It is said that the same person had killed both kings, he was neither Shinigami nor Quincy, a rare few having learnt of said fact.

The Shinigami had a silent ruler, an encased man that stabilised their world, the "Soul King". His death had been concealed, to suppress confusion aswell as disorder among them. So even now many believe their Soul King is enshrined within his palace.

Two Shinigami stood side by side outside of a large wooden door, their backs to it. The one to the right had a confident yet tall posture, despite being only 5'7, his slim build concealed by the Shihakusho he wore, taking away from his brown hair.

The other stood a bit taller, his posture showing his silent demeanour. He stood around 5'10, his slim figure more revealed by the tighter worn Shihakusho he had equipped. The rhombus located on both their back displayed an Iris flower, a representative insignia, one of the 7th Division.

Tetsuzaemon Iba was set aside due to his concealed yet heavy injuries, "Man it's tragic what happened..." a boy spoke - Browsy Kagawa - glancing at the other male to his left - Ozawa Kawajiri, Milk - With Ozawa being the newly appointed Captain in Rojuro's stead, due to his previous status as Lieutenant over the previous Izuru Kira, who was also subdued by his injuries. "Captain of the 3rd Division now, huh, and I was appointed Lieutenant." Browsy commented, looking down with a smile on his face.

"Can't believe you became Captain of the 4th, which holds the role of [Rukongai and Diplomacy management]. Such a complicated role for a dumbass like you." Browsy spoke, his joking manner being an attempt to poke at Ozawa's proclaimed stupidity. Despite the comment, Ozawa managed to ignore it, keeping his straight walking pattern.

"But, why'd you choose me for your Lieutenant?" Browsy asked, with Ozawa raising his hand, pausing, both of them stopping along the path. "Who's the one with a Bankai?" He chuckled, resulting in Browsy pausing, a smile creeping back onto his face. His lips parted, going to talk, before stopping, Ozawa pushing the door infront of them open. The wood creaking, two Shinigami stood on the other end.

They reacted to his spiritual pressure, their legs shaking, "Ozawa truly is Captain level...?!" the shorter one had his eyes widened, looking over at them, "Lucas." Ozawa greeted him, smiling at him softly, before looking over to his right, glancing at the other one - Oblit -

The newly appointed Captain glanced between the two boys, examining their how stiff postures and shaking legs. A smile cracked onto his face, grinning at them both, "You two nervous now that I'm a Captain?" He asked them both, with the two of them nodding. He wrapped his arm around both of their shoulders, pulling them close, causing them to stumble. "Don't worry! I'm still your friend." He chuckled, "Thank you Milk-sama." Oblit replied, Lucas nodded aswell.

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