Chapter Twenty-One

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Even all powerful witches have their limits.

The words swirled around Alex's mind as chaos swirled around them. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. They'd had a plan.

The world faded in and out of focus as Alex fought to get back up on her feet. She could barely hear Dean's voice screaming something over the humming in her ears, a foul laughter filling the air around them. She felt rough hands grab her by the shoulders, lifting her into a sitting position.

"Alex!" Dean's voice pierced through the fog, snapping her back to reality. She inhaled sharply as everything came back into focus. Things had somehow gone sideways as soon as they'd arrived at Stull Cemetery. They'd gotten most everything in place to perform the necessary spells, when Lucifer had shown up unexpectedly early and thrown everything into chaos.

Alex had begun the exorcism spell to remove Lucifer from his vessel, but half way through, the devil had escaped Rowena's spell meant to hold him in place and turned on Alex. She'd fought as best she could against the Devil, but he was just too strong. She was now battered and bruised, laying halfway across the field from where she'd been standing.

Sam and Dean rushed to her side as Cas stood guard between them and the Devil. Rowena was doing her best to salvage what she could from the supplies needed to perform the cage spell.

"We need to pull back, Dean." Sam's voice was frantic. "We can regroup and try again later." Alex saw Dean nod his head in agreement as he leaned her against his chest protectively.

"No." Alex's voice came out rough and quiet but Dean heard. "Lucifer just threw you like a damn rag doll. We've already lost you once, Alex. We're not going to lose you again!" Dean's voice was stern as he turned her by the shoulders to face him.

Alex held Dean's hard stare. "It's okay, Dean." She returned his stare with a soft look of her own before pushing herself up off the ground. Dean and Sam each took an arm to assist her as she swayed slightly. 

Instructing the boys to help Cas and protect Rowena, Alex took fighting steps forward, pain coursing through her head with each one. She positioned herself a few feet beside but slightly in front of the red-headed witch. Putting herself at the forefront would turn Lucifer's now red gaze to her. Distancing herself from Rowena, would allow Alex to putt more magic from herself, giving Rowena a fighting chance against Lucifer and the spell. 

The boys had bonded with Rowena. It wasn't hard to tell. That meant Alex needed to do everything she could to save her. She knew the boys were sorry for how things had gone between them and she had forgiven them. She wasn't trying to put herself down or anything. She just knew this was what she was here for. She could save everyone. And in her mind, she was expendable.

Alex focused her thoughts, her hand wrapped tightly around Damon's daylight ring, drawing on as much of the magic as she could. She felt her body begin to hum as it swirled within her. She began stepping forward, determined eyes staring daggers at Lucifer. His sharp eyes snapped to hers. A look of amusement flashed across his face at her strength of will, before it turned to one of annoyance and borderline boredom.

Her momentary distraction allowed Rowena the break she needed to cast her own incantation, lighting the ring of holy oil Lucifer unknowingly stood in the middle of. Lucifer gave an exaggerated impressed smile at their attempts before snapping his fingers to extinguish the flames. As he went to take a step forward, Alex threw her free hand out in his direction, Rowena's repeated words successfully reigniting the oil with an added boost of magic from Alex. Lucifer's eyes turned a glowing red as his patience began to disintegrate at a rapid rate.

Alex stood straight on and began reciting the first incantation she needed. Hearing her words and realizing what she was attempting to do, Lucifer focused all of his attention on Alex. Good. Keep it there, asshole.

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