Chapter Six

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Alex's peaceful slumber was disturbed abruptly and rather rudely by the sound of fist pounding on wood coming from the floor below her apartment. With a disgruntled groan, she climbed out of bed, pulling the sleeves of her black AC/DC hoodie she'd brought with her down over her hands. The TV options weren't the only things that sucked on this world. Shuffling in socked feet over to her living room window, she peered down to see who was responsible for waking her up from her well deserved nap.

Damon Salvatore pounded on the door before peering through the window. Another vampire with pretty boy hair paced behind him, his face screaming uncertainty and impatience.

Alex grumbled to herself, running a hand through her wavy hair before switching out her sweat pants for her favorite pair of jeans. Grumpily she clambered down the stairs that led to her office and through the shop, not bothering with the lights. This had better be damned important. Alex liked her sleep. Needed her sleep. She had been alive long enough to be able to say she deserved her sleep. Yanking the door open, she let out an almost growl at the two men who had reflexively stepped back at the sudden opening of the door.

"This had better be life or death, Salvatore." Alex focused her steel gaze on her vampire friend.

"Elena is missing." The man behind Damon spoke up as he took several hurried steps closer to her. "Damon says you'd be able to find her."

Alex took a moment to study the tall man before collapsing her shoulders and releasing a forfeiting sigh. "Come on." She left the door open behind her as she made her way back through the shop and up the stairs to her apartment.

The two men followed quickly behind her, the younger one quickly explaining as they went. "We were all at the masquerade party. We had this plan to take care of a problem. But something went wrong and now Elena is missing."

After ensuring her apartment door was closed, the line of salt still in place--like she said, old habits-- she closed her eyes and held up a hand, halting any further words from the younger man, before making her way to the small kitchenette in the corner of the open space. After taking a few seconds to magically heat up the fresh water and tea leaves in her cup, she took a few sips of the steaming liquid before turning back to the men standing there watching her. Damon with an amused look, the other with a confused look.

"Alright," Alex began with a calming breath as she leaned back against her counter. "Let's start at the beginning shall we? Firstly, who are you, Vamps?" She nodded her chin with a questioning look at the unknown vampire who shot Damon a questioning look.

"Don't look at me," Damon said, holding up his hands in an innocent gesture, "I didn't say anything."

"Witch." Alex pointed at herself in answer as she made her way to the large overstuffed chair.

"I thought you had to touch someone to know that?" The unknown vampire asked.

"Didn't you know?" Damon asked. "She's a Winchester. She's not from this world." His voice held a slight mocking tone to it as he looked to Alex with a smirk. She stuck her tongue out at him in response. The witch ignored the flutter in her stomach when his eyes turned mischievous to match the smirk he was giving her. The damn things needed to go away.

"It's a long story," Alex muttered. "Who is he?" She turned the question to Damon, since the other one was turning up pretty useless.

"Baby brother. Stefan, meet Alex, Alex, Stefan." It was clear that Damon's calm and patient facade was starting to wear thin. He clearly cared about the girl, though how much Alex didn't know. Why did that slightly bum her out?

Alex gave a nod of her head in understanding. "Okay, next, what can you tell me about Elena's disappearance?" Before either of the brothers could respond, Alex thought better of her question, holding a hand up to stop them. "You know what, scratch that. I don't want to know. I've been around long enough to have had more than my fill of drama. When was the last time you saw her?"

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