Back to the ROR

430 15 2

"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will bein read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 8: Return to the ROR


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

It has been two days now since Harry woke up and he finally got discharged from the hospital. At this time Dumbledore is still not back and McGonagall is still acting as temporary Headmistress. It was Saturday meaning no classes so with that Harry decided to visit the room of requirements again. As makes his way making sure to do his best not to come across anyone who delays his trip not knowing that Hogwarts is helping her heir get there without crossing paths with anyone who would bug or delay him. Upon reaching the seventh floor Harry stood in front of the usual wall before he began pacing back and forth three times thinking of a room that would give him time to plan without being needed and see if any Potter elves were alive so he could rebound with them Harry also thinks how he needs a room that time moves differently that one minute outside the room . When the door appeared Harry went inside shutting the door to find a couch and coffee table with a mug of warm tea, a kettle full of tea, a notebook, and a quill with ink set on it. Harry stood in the center of the room speaking.

Harry-"If there are any Potter elves still alive please come to me so I can reinforce the bond and if there are any free elves in Hogwarts who wish to bond with a a new wizarding family please come to me."

With that, there were multiple nearly silent pops heard and Harry's eyes widened in shock seeing just how many elves showed up. Looking around there was a total of 832 Potter elves and 36 elves who were not Potter elves ones Harry was very familiar with like Twinly.  All the house elves who were free looked shocked at him calling them while the Potter elves were all crying tears of joy while looking at Harry finally seeing their young heir once again after so many years. After they arrived Harry greeted them all and started the process of bonding or rebonding with all the elves in the room which took 4 hours in the room while it was only a four minutes outside. After he finished the bonding he felt tired and wanted to sit and rest while starting planning so he bid farewell to the elves sending out most to go to the all the Potter properties and start fixing them up and cleaning them while he assigned the head elf of the Potter family who's name was  Krimly to take the newly bonded elves and begin their training informing him that soon he will be having another elf who he wants trained to be his personal elf. After giving his orders the elves all left him telling him goodbye. When they left Harry went to the couch sat down and took a sip of the still-warm tea before he set the mug down. After setting the mug down Harry picked up the notebook opened it and he then picked up the quill dipping it in ink before he started to write his list.

Harry's list:

-Befriend Neville

-Change next year's school schedule

-Become better in school

-Master occlumency

- Visit the Chamber of Secrets again

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