Carlos reveals his identity to Nicole

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Carlos swung through the city using his white and gold web-shooters. He was swinging around without his white and gold Spider-Man suit as he was saving it. He arrived at his girlfriend, Nicole's apartment and knocked on the window. Nicole saw his and went to open the window. Nicole being Spanish like Carlos was happy to see him.

"Good evening, mi Amor." Carlos said

"Did you call me "Mi Amor"?" Nicole asked

"Yeah. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable." Carlos replied

"No... no, it's okay. I like it, my boyfriend is talking to me in our home language." Nicole said

"That's great. Okay, so there's this thing that I want to tell you about. Do you know who Spider-Man is?" Carlos asked

"Yeah, he climbs walls and shoots webs." Nicole said

"Well, I'm Spider-Man." Carlos said

"Wait, what?" Nicole asked

Carlos jumped onto the wall and began climbing up. He also fired a web from one of his web shooters and pulled himself back onto the ground. Seeing as they were still in high school, Nicole was not sure about the idea of having a boyfriend who was also a superhero.

"Did I forget to mention that my Uncle Aaron is also the Prowler, and a good guy?" Carlos asked 

Nicole was taken aback by this revelation. She had always known Carlos as a kind and caring person, but the idea of him being a superhero was something she never could have imagined. As she processed this new information, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for her boyfriend.

"I had no idea, Carlos. That's incredible." Nicole said, her eyes wide with wonder

Carlos smiled at her reaction, relieved that she seemed to be taking the news well. He knew that being Spider-Man came with its own set of challenges and dangers, but he also knew that he had a responsibility to use his powers for good.

"I know this might be a lot to take in, but I promise to always protect you and keep you safe." Carlos said, reaching out to hold Nicole's hand

Nicole squeezed his hand back, feeling a rush of emotions as she looked into his eyes. She knew that dating a superhero would come with its own set of complications, but she also knew that she loved Carlos with all her heart.

"I trust you, Carlos. And I believe in you. Just promise me one thing - promise me that you'll always come back to me," Nicole said, her voice filled with emotion.

Carlos nodded, his heart swelling with love for the girl standing before him. He knew that being Spider-Man meant facing countless dangers and challenges, but he also knew that having Nicole by his side made it all worth it.

"I promise, mi Amor. I'll always come back to you." Carlos said, pulling Nicole into a tight embrace

And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together - as partners, as lovers, and as heroes.

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