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The kitchen was a mess, completely covered in different sauces, different types of pasta and a million different vegetables.

"Okay, okay stop" I huffed and pushed rafe away with all my strength.

Sarah had left the room to go wake wheezie who somehow slept through all the screaming and shouting.

Rafe was now leaning against the counter with a bowl of pasta in his hands and a huge smirk slapped on his face.

"This is good" Rafe mumbled with a mouth full of food point towards his bowl.

I walked over to stand in front on him while he moved his bowl to rest on the counter. Sliding my hands up his chest and dangling them around his neck.

"You what else is good" I muttered while pushing myself up on my tippy toes to be at eye level with him.

"A clean kitchen" I said pushing him back "when you're done eating, I'm gonna turn you into Cinderella and watch you scrub this place clean" I smiled.

"Does that mean you'll be my Prince Charming" he replied placing a hand on his heart.

"No the evil step-mother" I laughed, walking over to the stove to dish out my own food.

"Har har wheeze very funny" Sarah laughed sarcastically, walking into the kitchen.

"Ohhh wheezie the food is ready" Sarah called out towards the living room.

And the sound of small sound of her feet slapping against the tile was all you could hear.

"Is it pasta" wheezie asked with a huge smile.

"Mhm" Rafe mumbled stuffing his face with another fork full of pasta.

I put wheezie and Sarah out a bowl of pasta and once we were finished. The clean up started.

I wasn't joking when I said rafe would be like Cinderella, because as I look at him right now, washing the dishes I realise.

His biceps are huge

"You missed a spot, keep scrubbing" I joked walking towards Rafe and hugging him from behind.

"Don't get used to it" he scoffed continuing to wash the last bowl.

"So what did you do today" I asked finally letting go and grabbing a cloth to clean the counter.

"Nothing really, we went golfing" he responded.

"Who? You and topper" I asked, beginning to wipe the table.

"Yeah, talked to my dad to before I came here" he said finally placing the last dish on to the drying rack.

Abandoning the task at hand I dropped the cloth as I walked over towards him, and engulfed him in a hug once more.

"We should sleep" I mumbled as I gently let him go.

"Yeah" he mumbled back.

"Hey Sarah" I called out to her.

"Whats up" she replied sticking her blond head into the kitchen door.

"Are you two staying the night?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I'm too lazy to drive back" she replied.

"Okay, we're going to bed, the guest rooms always open, everything you'll need is in there" I smiled.

"Ok but remember we're staying here, I don't need wheeze hearing any of your activity's" she replied with a disgusted face.

"I'm sure he can keep it in his pants " I laughed as I walked my way towards the stairs and continued to my room.

Earn It.  - rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now