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Jeanne's POV
I looked between the two men. One had to be be over 6 foot tall, the other had to be over 6 foot wide. I was only attracted to one.

I told the guy I was hastily trying to help out to press the call button if he wanted something to drink. The entire time I could feel his eyes at the back of my head.

I turned around addressed them both as "sir", only meaning it at one person. Then I went back to the galley. One of the other cabin crew girls, smirking at me, I could only roll my eyes as we both let out a quick giggle. We chatted about the entire situation as she prepared someone else's meal.

I soon brushed myself off, head held high and walked back down the aisle with his food.
He gave me a cheaky grin as I walked over. He had a dimple on the left side of his face that made him look even better when he grinned. I put the food down in front of him.
"I'm Connor", he said not taking his eyes off me.
I looked back at him, I didn't know what to say. "Jeanne", I said back only a tiny bit breathy "can I get you something to drink sir?"
"Some cold water would be nice" he replied smiling softly.

I went to turn around and get his water but he asked me another question.
"Are you okay, you seemed a bit put out before?" I looked at him again, meeting his blue eyes. I'd been in previous relationships with other blue eyed people. I'd always found them hard to read, hard to figure out what they were actually thinking. But his eyes, were pretty and I could tell without a second thought that he was actually concerned.

"I've been better, but it's my job and it's not the first time. Thanks for checking." I had no idea what to say, I was just kind of spitting things out. And I already knew it came off colder than I really felt. But I had to be professional. He just said okay to that, so I went and got his drink and finished my rounds.

Every time I'd walk past him, he'd smile or give me a look probably trying to make me laugh. I could only give him a smile back.

Connor's POV
She was the prettiest, most beautiful woman I had ever met. I was heavily appalled when the man infront of me started saying things to her. How was that even remotely allowed? I thought airlines and workplaces should've been on top of that. But I guess not.

The rest of the flight nothing much happened, and I liked every time she'd walk past me, or her green eyes would wonder over my way and we'd lock eyes for a split second.

I could tell she was thinking about me as much as I was thinking about her. Did I need to be calling in love with an Aussie girl on my way to spend the next 2 years in Spain? No probably not.

But that didn't bother me. And the way she spoke before also made me feel like she had no idea who I really was. Which for me was a good thing.

The rest of the flight went smoothly, other than a few looks from the guy infront of me. He was acting like I stole his girl or something. But I just did him a favour honestly. Jeanne wasn't the type of girl for him. He needed someone about five Jeanne's wide.

When we landed in Dubai, I was more awake than I had ever been on any other long ball flights. Probably for good reason too.

I got up and took my bag down first somewhat to get off the plane quickly, but mostly to piss the ogre off infront of me.

I got off and instead of collecting my bags I waited for Jeanne and the rest of the crew to disembark as well. There were a few paparazzi, and reporters at the gate. But I just sat at the gate as I waited.

I had a 20 hour layover at Dubai airport and didn't intend on spending at least the first four hours alone. About an hour after the last passenger left the crew came out of the gate. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. She was mid conversation with another crew member, but as soon as she saw me she said bye and walked over.

I already liked her enough, but even that whole interaction was enough to make my little crush on her develop more.

"Hi" she said softly there weren't as many paparazzi as before, but I felt like they were still there.
"Hey" I said back just as soft. I know we'd litteraly just met. But she made me feel like we'd none each other for ever.

"This might be my only chance to ask you" I said preparing myself, "did you maybe want to go and get something to eat with me?"

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