Explanation time!

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(A/N: Hey guys! I had originally had this chapter posted after chapter 39, but I've decided to put it more in the beginning of the story! Not an update, sorry!)

Hey yall its me, the author

When I posted this on ao3, some of you guys asked me to explain how the two characters became connected, 

So, its AU explanation time!

Ever since Nagisa Shiota was declared quirkless, his mother, Hiromi Shiota, became determined to make him a useful person in this life. 

Nagisa wasn't the best in schools. Not a child prodigy like Asano-- but not a complete dumbass like Teraseka. During his elementary school years, he passes, but not up to his mother's standards. 

The moment he graduated from elementary school, his mother enrolled him in Aldera junior high, but there was a catch. Nagisa would be attending Kunikigaoka junior high's lower classes in order to be more proficient in his grades. 

But, Kunikigaoka and Aldera were in two different areas of Japan-- Kunikigaoka was in the quirkless area and Aldera was with most of the Japanese population-- the area with quirks.

Disregarding Nagisa's feelings, Hiromi forced him to attend both schools so that he can fulfill her dreams of going to her dream college. 

During the application process, Principal Asano pulled Hiromi for a meeting. 






The principal turned his chair around, spinning to see Hiromi, face to face. "Hello. You are Nagisa Shiota's mother?"

She looked the principal up and down. "Yes, that's me. What did you call me for? Was there a problem in the application process?"

"Not neccesarily. We do have one issue though" 

"And what might that be?" She raised her eyebrow in concern, her eyes showing a hint of annoyance.

"You see, you are enrolling your son in two different parts of Japan, and the school system is not okay with that. Your son's name cannot be registered for both schools" Asano explained.

"What?! Why can't I do what I want to with my daughter?" She raised her hands in protest, annoyed. 

"There is a way to get around it..." Asano smirked. This was almost too easy. Enrolling this kid would help him enforce his school policy-- his grades will drop due to stress and he will make the perfect E class example. 

"Tell me. My beautiful baby girl has so much potential! I won't let some stupid school system tell me what to do" She said, fanning herself with papers.

Asano sighed. "You must register your son  under a fake name and have a fake identity for the two of you. You are widowed, correct?" He raised one eyebrow

"Yes." She snapped. "What about it"

"Nothing." He smiled coldly. "You will be given fake imformation to register with Aldera. You needn't worry though, the only thing that will be changing is your name and your son's appearance while he is there."

"Oh, that's perfect! Can you make her more feminine-like?" she pleaded, much to Asano's disgust. What was that lady's problem?

"No." He paused, then continued. "Are you sure you want to enroll your son here? You understand that this is no ordinary school-- Even though he will only be attending part-time, the courses are rigorous." He tried to fake warn her, while still manipulating her to join.

Hiromi scoffed. "Of course I understand, do you think I'm some idiot? My daughter can handle anything, and I will not raise her to be some lazy bum in this world!" She exclaimed.





And so, that's how Nagisa Shiota became Izuku Midoriya. He had to change his name and appearance, and Asano gave them a random hair and eye color-- (that Hiromi hated). 

In this AU, Bakugo's mother didn't know Midoriya's mother and Bakugo only knew Midoriya from middle school, and therefore only seen him as the green-haired boy. Nagisa decided to not pay too much attention to the bullies at Aldera, he had too much studying to do.

And just like Takebayashi, the pressure to study and the constant cramming got to his head. In the middle of second year, he dropped out of Aldera to attend Kunikigaoka full time, and be able to drop the disguise. By 3rd year, he was in class 3-E, along with the others. He hadn't had that much of a connection to Mrs. Yukimura, but he still knew her, like the others. 

After the events of third year, Nagisa took it upon himself to emancipate from his mother. The constant emotional manipulation and abuse took a toll on him. He moved in to living at The House permanently. He wasn't the only one though, Kiara had also emancipated from her parents, and Itona was also parentless-- so it wasn't unusual for the "fatherless" conversations to come up at the dinner table, courtesy of Nakamura, Teraseka, and Karma teasing the kids. They didn't pay too much attention to it, it was all jokes. 

Of course, when the class found out about Nagisa's mother being abusive and manipulative, they were pissed off. One day he came to school with bruises, and he couldn't hide his pain anymore. He had to stop 3-E from killing his mother in her sleep. Instead, being the "only" responsible one in the group, Mr. Karasuma managed to get him the papers to emancipate-- even though Koro-Sensei was totally for the killing resolution, and Hayami and Chiba wanted to snipe her in her sleep, and Karma and Teraseka wanted to stab her, and Bitch-sensei said "nobody hurts my students except for me," and offered to kill her, they all managed to calm down before doing anything irrational. The same went for Kiara, when she came clean about her mother's emotional abuse, the class reacted the same way. Still, when the topic of either of their mothers is brought up, the E class kids had to take a deep breath before saying their next words.

(A/N: Sorry, not really a chapter! I just had to clarify this for the people who were curious. Next chapter comes out on Monday!)

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