C 10 : Unsure

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Kiki : Hey you need anything ?

Fatima : Am fine

Kiki : You haven't eaten all day T

Fatima : Kianna am not a child i dont need you checking on me every five minutes ....she yell frustrated

Kiki : Look i dont know what's going on with you but i wont stand here an allow you yell at me just for being a good friend .....before fatima could reply kiki walked out her office

* Its been two weeks since fatima left the hospital an she haven't talked to her girls since ,she put all her focus on working not even caring about being pregnant its like she just push it at the back of her head

**** Knock knock ....

Fatima : Come in

Benny : Hey

Fatima : " fuck " What do you want benny ?

Benny : Damn its like that? i bought you lunch

Fatima : I can't remember asking you to by me lunch

Benny : What's going on with you fatima ? you've been giving me the cold shoulders for the pass two weeks

Fatima : Why can't y'all just leave me tf alone ? Teary eyes

Benny : Talk to me fatima ,what's going on ?

Fatima : Get out

Benny : I dont know what's going on with you right now so call me when you find out what it is

* She roll her eyes as he left her office leaving the food behind

Outside .....

Benny : What's going on with her ?

Kiki : I don't know

Benny : She's been acting different since that day , what happen ?

Kiki : I don't know benny

Benny : She's your best friend an you dont know why she was in the hospital ?

Kiki : Like i said i don't am not her mother

Benny : Am sorry i just really care about her an this is not the fatima we know even you know that

* Kiki Silent

Kiki : Look just give her some time

Dinorah : What are you doing here?

Benny : I came to bring her lunch

Dinorah : An how did that go?

Benny : Same as yesterday " sighs " Am getting worried this isnt the fatima we all know

Quiana : Why you talking like you've known her for years?

Benny : I didn't mean it like that am just worried about her

Quiana : We got her so you can leave now

Benny : Do y'all really? cause nun of you seems to know why she was in the hospital

* They all Silent

Benny : Is there something i should know?

Quiana : We don't own you an explanation an even if we did know its not our business to tell you anything so can you please go

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