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"Morning" i sat on the dining chair and served myself some pancakes with maple syrup.

My mom and dad looked at me and i could see eye bags, I wonder what time they came back from work.

"How was your night?" Mom asked me.

"Pretty good" My answer was succint and short. This was how conversations between us were,we were always distant that i don't know how to speak to them about stuffs concerning me or anything at all.

It looks like they are trying but not hard.

My mom let out an hum in acknowledgement, just as i thought this breakfast was going to be in an awkward silence, my dad spoke "when is your competition of sports taking place?".

"Next month,on the 29th".

"How's your practice?,i heard that they hired a professional cheerleader to teach Lakeside High" Of course we had heard about it,it was part of the reason why Allison wants us to put on our A game but sometimes i feel she's insecure and scared that we might lose.

"It's going fine,we hope to bring the trophy home this time"

"I hope so too".

My phone chimed,a message from Darren,he was already outside waiting on me. I can't begin to say how much i love this guy right now.

He just saved me from more awkward conversations,i grabbed my bag "Darren is outside,so am gonna go" Without waiting for what they'd say,i was out of the door.

The fresh air made me realize how cramped up i felt in there with my parents, my biological parents whom i was supposed to be close with.

I entered Darren's car and he began to drive "You looked like you escaped from a monster" He joked.

"More like my parents,my dad was asking questions about the upcoming competition,it was very awkward".

He looked at me sympathetically "I feel you...by the way,you look so hot right now".

I felt a blush rise up to my cheeks and tip of my ears at his comment "You should focus on the road and less on me".

He winked but did as i said.

He parked on his parking space,yes he had one. All the star players on the football team had one which was pretty cool if you ask me. He doesn't have to rush to school to get a space since he had a reserved one.

"See you later babe" he pecked my lips as we departed from each other. He had seen his football team members and went to join them and i hate being the only girl among them.

I walked to my class,we were having Pre-calc class,as soon as my butt touched my seat,the bell rang. How lucky.

The class was uneventful to me,it was boring since the man kept treating the same topic over and over again.

I think he doesn't know how to teach,he was sub to our teacher who just gave birth and was on maternity leave for three months.

The next class was English and i was in the same class with some of the members of the cheer squad including Tiana which was awesome.

I was five minutes late to the class,why?? I couldn't find my pen only for someone to point it out on my very hand i was using to look for it.  I hate when it happens to me.

On my way to the class,i was walking fast while trying to zip up my bag when BAM,i collided with someone.  My bag fell down spilling all the content in it.

Then,the bell rang.

Well damn me. Am already late for English class.

"Am sorry,i wasn't staring at where i was going" I apologised rapidly, trying to place my stuff back in my bag.

"It's nothing" Followed by that angelic voice was a fall of a brunette hair to the floor, then my eyes went to the hand that was helping me pick up my stuffs.

I was tempted to look.

Allison Hathaway.

I was dazed "Here" She said handing me some of my load, i took it and put it in my bag.  She smiled at me so warmly, I could hardly believe this was our cheerleader captain,she always had this poker face on.

"This is also yours" I stared at what she was handing to me,it was a TAMPON,my emergency tampon since i was bad at memorising dates of my period.

I snatched it from her hand and put it deep inside my bag.  She smirked and rose up,I rose up with her "Thank you" I meant it.

"It's no biggie Alex" She said,my name swiftly rolling off her tongue.

She chuckled probably at how stupid and dumb i looked like right now "See you later Alex" there it was again, the sensation in her calling my name.

Before i could answer her,she was already walking down the hallway.

What the hell just happened?

I definitely wasn't attracted to her or anything, i like boys and what happened was just me appreciating the work of God.

What was i thinking? How could i like girls? Pfft... that was Tiana's role.

I walked to my English class,needless to say i was very late and got reprimanded in front of the whole class,at least i didn't get detention.

What caught my attention on the way to my seat was Allison,she caught my eyes but didn't hold it before looking forward.

I took my usual seat next to Tiana who i know was going to bombard me with lots of questions about where i was.

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