Episode 2

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He washed his hands off to remove the blood of the snipper. He lastly checked himself in the mirror to see if there was any blood stain.

Jungkook : No one should step on my way or I won't hesitate to shoot their brain off in the next second.
He said looking at the dead body giving it a lat kick and exiting the room.

Running through the empty hallway, he opened the shop door where he locked y/n.
Jungkook: y/n.....
Looking around, he softly called her name as she peeked behind the pile of clothes hanging on the stand. Getting near her he simply ask.
Jungkook: Are you okay?
She nodded quietly.

y/n : Did that guy come to kill me?
She asked him as she was in shock.
Jungkook: No he was going to kill the guy behind us. It's just we were in the middle luckily you didn't get shot.
He lied not wanting to scare her, she finally let out a huge sigh in relief.
y/n : For a moment I really thought he was trying to kill me.

Jungkook: What if he really came to kill you? You did a crime?
He asked mockingly. She scoffed at his words.
y/n: You can't call me a criminal just because I cut one of my bodyguard's moustaches which he raised for 10 years, pushed another one in the drain, put glue on their seat, drew monkey on their face, applied nail polish when they were sleeping, putting bugs on their burger and.....

She stopped as Jungkook put his hand forward signalling her to shut her mouth.
Jungkook: You really did this to your previous bodyguards?
y/n: Of course, I did until they ran away.
She said flipping her hair proudly.
y/n: And don't worry I am going to do the same to you too.
She gave him her evil smirk.
Jungkook: Try me!
Putting his hands on his pockets he looked at her with a smirk.
y/n: Are you challenging me?

Jungkook: You know, you really act like a kid!
y/n: Oh! Hello, Mr. Bodyguard open your eyes and look how grown up woman I am.
She said waiving her hands in front of his face.
Jungkook: Woman?
He scoffed.
Jungkook: I just see a kid in an unmatured girls body.
y/n: I seriously recommend you to see a doctor, your eyes needs treatment.

Jungkook: Do you want to stay here all day Or want to go home?
y/n : Yah, yah let's go..... I don't want to hear you calling me kid anymore.
Rolling her eyes she folded her hands on her chest before exiting the shop followed by Jungkook with an emotionless face.

Getting near the car Jungkook saw 4 guys in black suits hurriedly walking inside the mall. Surely they were his gang members whom he called to hide that sniper's body. His attention diverted hearing y/n's question.
y/n: Did the police catch that guy?
Jungkook: I hope they did.
He said opening the car door for her.
y/n: Good...... Thanks by the way....
She said looking at him as he raised his brows.

y/n: Thanks for saving me Or that bullet would have blown my brain off.
Jungkook: It's my duty to protect you.
y/n just nodded before going inside the car as he did the same.

Time skip.

y/n: He really needs a therapy. I don't see any angle in my body which represents a kid.
She said checking herself in the mirror. It's been hours she is doing this to figure out why her handsome bodyguard called her kid and immature.
y/n: Boys are head over crazy for me and here he is calling me a kid.
She scoffed in disbelief.

y/n: Just wait Mr. Bodyguard I will show you what really I am.
Placing a smile on her face she went to the closet to change her dress.

Getting down from the stairs she searched for Jungkook but got no sign of him.
y/n: Hey did you see Jungkook?
She asked one of the maids who was cleaning the room.
Maid: Oh the new bodyguard?
y/n nodded affirmatively.
Maid: I saw him in the backyard.
y/n : Thanks
She said before going outside.

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