Fill My World

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            "Nn- mph, Slash god," Axl huffed against his lips, kissing him more and wrapping his arms tightly around his neck. Slash licked at his lip, locking his mouth with him passionately and running a hand up his lower back and the other around his leg which he threw over his waist.

"Fuck," Slash muttered, giving him seven hundred more kisses and rolling onto his side and flopping Axl onto the bed next to him.

Axl panted and whined under his breath between kisses as Slash touched him right everywhere he wanted it. "Please," he begged, holding both sides of his face and rolling his shoulders as he stroked him, trailing up the under side of his leg.

Axl jumped ten feet when his bedroom door flew open. His face flushed madly red as he ripped his blanket up to his shoulders with a hiss, "JESUS FUCK! Michelle what the fuck do you want!?"

She stood for a second with a smirk on her face, "Boy who knew your face could get so red," she laughed. Slash just grinned in amusement, completely unashamed just with that stupid smile, unlike Axl, who felt like his face was on fire.


"I think I should be asking you that, you've only said 'Slash please' a couple hundred times in the last ten minutes."

Axl hissed viciously, throwing a pillow at her. "MICHELLE!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry but I think the baby's kicking..!"

The redness in Axl's face immediately left and his eyes lit up, "Really!? Are you sure..!?"

She rolled her eyes, holding her belly, "No actually Axl I think my dinner just decided to start fighting back."

Axl clambered over Slash to the other side of the bed, picking up his boxer-shorts off the floor and wriggling into them, climbing out from under the covers and out of bed. He hurried over to her and placed his hands on her belly. After a second there was movement and he jumped like a startled deer. "That's weird!!"

"I know! You should try having it in your uterus."

Axl smiled, "Y'know I think I'm good."

She sat down on the end of the bed next to him. He felt her stomach and he had the stupidest cutest smile from ear to ear every time the baby kicked, "Oh my god he's like a little soccer player in there!" Michelle laughed, she couldn't stop smiling. "Already a fighter 'n he's not even born yet, I'm so proud." Michelle giggled. Axl clicked his fingers at Slash, "Slash c'mere you gotta feel it!"

Slash blinked, wrapping the blanket around his waist a little firmer, "Uh yeah I think I'm probably better over here."

"No Slash you gotta!"

Michelle nodded in agreement, "Yeah Slash you gotta!"

Slash blinked, "Uh, okay, if you say so," he huffed, using the blankets like a towel and climbing to the end of the bed, sitting on her other side and feeling her belly. After a few seconds he murmured, "You're right that is weird..!" Axl laughed.

Michelle noticed Axl and Slash's hands were now touching and they softly exchanged gazes. Michelle narrowed her eyes and smacked both of their hands.



"You two need to quit being so cute this is my moment..!"

They both looked down ashamedly with a grin, replying simultaneously, "Sorry Michelle.."

Axl rested his head comfortably in Michelle's lap as she read her magazine. It wasn't as easy as before though now that dumb baby bump barely gave him any leg space, but now Michelle could prop her magazine on it to read easier. "Hey Michelle."

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