Hazbin Hotel: Overture (Bloopers and Deleted scenes)

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RedGamer55: Hello everyone. We're finally back once again, and with that comes more deleted parts, errors, and stuff happening off-screen during the recordings. Without further ado, enjoy the bloopers, off-screen, and deleted scenes from "Hazbin Hotel: Overture".


Deleted scene


Watch your steps

Charlie: Don't worry, Mom. I'll make you proud.

[Charlie soberly looks out the window to Pentagram City burning to the ground, just as Vaggie and Reaper comes into the room. Reaper, however, not expecting Vaggie to stop moving that soon, stumbles and falls on the ground. Vaggie and RedGamer55 chuckle as Charlie goes to help him up.]

Charlie: Are you ok?

Reaper: All peachy, don't worry.

RedGamer55: Let's roll that again.


Commercial Idea

Vaggie: Angel, you're a porn star.

Angel Dust: A famous porn star, I'll have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to get in.

Reaper: Angel... That's a great idea. I already imagine the title. Starring Angel Dust, "The Hotel of 'Redemption'".

Vaggie: We are not filming a porn for as a commercial!

[Vaggie screams angrily, as Angel Dust and Reaper laugh out loud.]

RedGamer55: *Sighs* Cut!



[Charlie giggles in excitement when she hears about the news until she calls Vaggie and Reaper in gibberish, waving very frantically that freaks Vaggie out.]

Vaggie! Reaper! Holy, shit!

Ah! what?

Reaper: What? What is it?

[Charlie waves them to come to her for some exciting news.]

*mumbling excitedly* get over here!

[Vaggie sighs happily as her and Reaper comes to Charlie while she is jumping around in a very happy mode. As Angel Dust drinks in the background, Vaggie meets Charlie behind.]

Vaggie: What's going on?

[Charlie breathes in and out to calm her nerves so she can explain, but she was so excited that she forgot her line.]

Charlie: My dad just called, he said that... uh...

RedGamer55: CUT!


The plate of ribs

RedGamer55: The second time Adam tried to give some ribs to Charlie, we actually wanted for the plate to be a real one, after which Adam would have told Charlie it was made of a corpse of a sinner they killed during the extermination. Ended up cutting that one up to request of Reaper and Vaggie, which thought it would have been too much for Charlie to begin with. 


A recording gone wrong

[The camera switched into the camera point of view recording the bar scene with Husk behind the counter reading a script in his claws with Angel Dust at the opposite counter. The camera whirs back to get a better focus of the two.]

Vaggie: And...Action!

[Husk carefully reads the lines on his script, bringing the script closer to read.]

Husk: "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help with anything?"

Angel Dust: "I've been a bad boy, and I need a big, strong daddy to put me in my place...on the path to redemption!"

[Husk groans with displeasure and read the script again.]

Husk: "Well, you come—"

Angel Dust: *moaning* "Oh, ye-"

[Husk then suddenly punches Angel Dust in the face, making him fall down on his ass, as Vaggie and RedGamer55 are seen laughing at the scene.]


1000 yard stare

Reaper: Alright Niffty, your line is "We have the cleanest rooms", got it?

Got it. I'm ready.

[Reaper turns the camera to Niffty.]

Aaaand... Action!

[Upon saying action, instead of saying the line, Niffty freezes and stares blankly at the camera without a breath or blinking from the scene. Reaper panels away, looking worried. Suddenly, someone starts playing Everlong from Foo Fighters, making RedGamer55 chuckle and Vaggie sigh in annoyance, as it was Angel Dust who played the song.]


Wrong commercial

Vaggie: Oh, come here, we have something exciting to show you.

[Vaggie leads Charlie to the group]

Vaggie: Alastor pulled some strings, and it's about to air.

Alastor: I pulled a few limbs too, hahaha!

Charlie: Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?

Angel Dust: Yeah, one of my better performances, if I do say so myself.

Charlie: *beams brightly* That's... that's amazing.

Angel Dust: Sshh, it's starting.

[However, instead of the commercial of the hotel playing, a porn movie with Angel Dust starts playing, leaving Charlie and RedGamer55 blushing embarrassed, Vaggie gritting in anger at Angel, Reaper covering Niffty's eye, and Husk and Alastor both annoyed and unamused.]

Niffty: What's going on? I can't see.

Reaper: Trust me, it's better that way.

Angel Dust: Ops... wrong one...

RedGamer55: C-Cut!


Glass cuts

[Scene cuts to a drone scouring an area until it finds a dead Exorcist corpse with its head missing. The drone scans the corpse.]

Lute: We found the body, sir. They've never managed to kill one of us before. We should just go down there now and destroy them!

Adam: No, no. We can't risk them catching on. But, don't worry, when we come back, there won't be a demon left alive to pull a stunt like this again!

[Adam destroys the projector, causing its light to disappear only showing Adam's glowing pained face, as he screams in pain.]


[Suddenly, lights get turned on to see Adam holding his fist, with glass shards in his hand, making him whole hand bleed, as Lute and RedGamer55 stayed close to him to make sure things didn't get worse.]

RedGamer55: Lute, go grab a first-aid-kit, quick!


RedGamer55: And that's it, see you on the next episode. :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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