Hazbin_Hotel Pilot (Bloopers, Off-screens, and Deleted scenes)

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RedGamer55: Hello everyone. During the making of this pilot, some things happened during the recording, other things while not, and some parts that were removed from the final "product". Enjoy the bloopers, off-screen, and deleted scenes from "Hazbin_Hotel Pilot".


Deleted scene



The Vending machine

Angel Dust: You surprise me Reaper, I didn't know you did drugs as well.

The guy named Reaper chooses the angel dust, but the bag of drugs doesn't pop out.

Reaper: Yeah, I don't. *Tries to grab the bag* This is-.

Reaper stops and looks at the camera.

Angel Dust: Something wrong?

Reaper: Dude, the vending machine doesn't work.

RedGamer55: Try punching it.

Reaper lands a punch on the machine and a powder mixture of drugs comes out of the machine, hitting Reaper.

Reaper: *Coughs* WHAT THE FUCK MAN!

Angel Dust and RedGamer55 can be heard laughing hard off-screen.


The falling Pipe

Cherri Bomb: You lookin' for a fight, old man?! *tosses back and forth* Why don't you get that thinker toy bullshit off my turf before I smash it?!

She grins deviously as she tosses her bomb into the air and catches it. Then a large pipe falls on top of Cherri, hitting her, while Pentious grins sadistically and begins to laugh.

RedGamer55: Can somebody give her an ice bag?

Angel Dust: On it.


Wrong paper

Charlie: Fine. But I have these other ideas of what to say!

The blonde says as she hops off the table and bounces a bit as she pulls out a piece of paper.

Charlie: the highlighted bits are the best parts!

Vagatha looks at the paper and sees it's the script. She grows confused.

Vagatha: Uh, Charlie, this is the script.

Charlie had a confused look on her face and looks at the paper, realizing she gave her the script for the scene. She begins to chuckle, embarrassed as Reaper enters the frame with the piece of paper Charlie was supposed to give.


Father and Son moment

Pentious suddenly wraps Reaper up in chains before tossing him into the air and slamming him back down on the ground.

Reaper (Viper): Ssssseriously, dad?

The Human Reaper(Helluva_Boss x Hazbin_Hotel x OC)Where stories live. Discover now