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I returned home around 1:00 only to see my uncle had already arrived.
My uncle and father sat at the kitchen table, drinking a beer together and laughing. Seeing me come inside, they stopped and looked over at me.
"Hey, how'd it go today?" my father asked.
"I wasn't able to go under the pier today. Apparently a body washed up on shore." I told them.
My father's eyes widened. "Say what now?"
My uncle shook his head and took a long sip of his beer. After swallowing he looked at me,
"Heard it on the radio on the way here. Apparently they identified him as a man missing from ten years ago. Some kind of drug dealer the police had been looking for a while."
Hearing this sent a cold shiver down my spine. A drug deal went wrong and a missing body added to the pile of others.
Also, could the police identify someone's skeleton that fast?
Later that evening, all three of us sat around the table. I had made us meatloaf with corn and broccoli as sides. I had also made some rolls but according to my uncle, I had burned them. So they sat on the counter on a wide plate. Alone and untouched.
I looked over at the soft uneaten rolls. they were baked into a slightly golden brown as they should be.
I looked away when my uncle called out to me.
"Your father tells me you've been working on cleaning the beach?"
I nodded while stabbing and picking at my meatloaf with my fork. "Yeah, I've been volunteering since we got here." I said.
"Do they pay you?"
"No .. it's community service work. It's for free."
"Then why the hell are you doing it?" he asked annoyed.
Here it comes....
I looked down at my food, not wanting to met his rude stare any more. I felt myself beginning to feel cowardly again. Submissive and quiet. Perhaps it's what I should do....
"I enjoy cleaning the beach. Its a good thing to do." I said.
My uncle shook his head. "Doing unpaid work is letting people take advantage of you. I swear you are always letting people do that to you." he said. "You're so easy to manipulate and control."
And there it was.
While my father was more psychical abusive, his brother was verbally abusive. The best of both worlds in a shitty nutshell
"I volunteered to do it...." I said.
"Bullshit, I bet they twisted your arm and you caved like you always do." My uncle said. "Probably gave you some sob story about washed up dolphins and dying sea turtles. You women always fall for that kind of stuff.
I said nothing and took a bite of my meatloaf.
Regardless of what he said, I didn't mind cleaning the beach. I knew what I was doing for the good of the pier. If my uncle truly knew the good that was coming out of it, he wouldnt be criticizing what I did.
My father then started a long annoyed conversation of how he got a complaint about having his TV on all night. Apparently our next door neighbors bedroom was on the other side of the living room wall. My father made it very clear that he didn't care what his neighbors thought nor would he change his TV watching ways.
I stayed silent, wanting nothing more than to finish my meal and shut myself away in the bedroom.
However my uncle had other plans.
"So where all do you really go to, Cadence?"
I looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"Your a teenager. Going to clean up the beach is starting to sound like a bunch of baloney." he said. "You could out doing drugs and hanging out boys for all we know."
I felt angry by what he was implying. I certainly never had done drugs much less be around boys. Even in high school, I didn't date.
"I go to the pier. I go underneath it and clean it everyday." I said.
"You do anything else?"
"Like what?"
"You tell me."
I held an inward sigh and dared not roll my eyes.
My uncle was trying to get a ride out of me. He always did this. Even to my mother. Allowing him would result in punishment from my father. According to him, I shouldn't be talking back, or much less, defending myself.
"Ain't sneaking off every day to see some boy under the pier are we? Probably under that Pier doing pot and spraying graffiti on the walls."
Anger and annoyance built up in me until I could no longer hold it on.
"I clean up the beer bottles you throw down the side of the pier." I said sarcastically.
"Hey!" my father snapped at me. "Show some respect for your uncle."
I didn't stop. Something in me snapped like a twig.
"He doesn't show any respect for me! Why should I show respect for him?" I said defensively. "I am sitting here listening to him accuse me of doing terrible things and you're not saying anything to defend me!"
"You stupid little girl, how dare to talk us--
"Be quiet!" I yelled to my uncle. He gripped his fork angrily but I ignored it. I looked at my father.
"Why won't you defend me? You know all I do is go clean the pier everyday! I have witnesses to prove it. Yet you allow him to disrespect me and basically call me a slut! Why aren't you defending me?!"
I didn't know where this anger or the words came from. Perhaps after years of abuse and holding back, I slipped. That had to be it. I slipped further than I ever did.
I had never dared to talk back against my uncle and father in fear of them possibly beating me at the same time.
My father ended my rant with a slammed fist to the table. "Enough! Go to your room! Now!" he yelled at me.
I jumped at the slam but glared at him angrily when he yelled at me. For once, I felt it I who was wronged.
I said nothing and left the table. I closed my door and leaned back on it.
After a moment, the realization of what I did hit me. I felt horrified of what I had said. I then felt afraid of what punishment or beating my father would give me after my uncle left.
I knew the things my uncle was saying was wrong and cruel and I felt at the time I had every right to try and defend myself.
But now I was in terrible trouble. I knew if I had just took it and stayed silent, none of this would be happening.
I paced back and forth in my room, worried about what fate held me
However instead of my father coming my uncle came instead. after an hour or two of being sent to my room I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Come in." I said confused. my father had never knocked on my door before. when the door opened up I was just surprised to see my uncle. he closed the door behind him and glared at me. I knew what was coming was probably not going to be very pleasant.
I closed the book that I was reading and looked up at him giving him my full attention.
"Yes sir?" I asked.
"Oh now you want to be respectful? I think it's a little too late for all that now." he said sternly.
I gritted my teeth and clutched my hands into fist, embracing the possibility that my uncle might hit me.
I stead my uncle spoke again. "I helped you and your father from homelessness and this is the way you decide to talk to me? I swear, your father is right. You ain't got no ounce of smartness in your whole head. You are starting to get smart mouthed and rebellious like your mother. Your father ought to teach you more manners and bring you to your senses.
'However, I'm here and so I'm telling you to just give it up. I don't know what you hope to accomplish by playing hero at the beach and talking back to me but all you are is a nothing. You are still a nothing. You will always be a nothing.
'I mean look at you, you are unemployed with no highschool education or GED, and spending your days aimlessly on a beach. You are as useless as a knife to a bowl of cereal. Why you even exist in this world is beyond me and why you continue to think you can make any change is as well.
'Your mother was a pathetic weak ass woman and you are just like her. People weak as you deserve to be told what to do and serve people like me and your father. We are smarter, taller and at least have jobs and a life going for us. You will never have anything in life going for you. Everyday working at that stupid pier proves to me exactly it. You are a worker for those stronger and better than you.
'I want you to remember this next time you think you ever want to talk back to me or your father again. You are a nothing. You will always be nothing."
And with these words, he left my room. By the time he had left, tears had already rolled down my cheeks. I hadn't had the strength to say anything back or even defend myself.
Once he left, I place my head in my hands and began to cry. My heart ached and seemed to break in a million pieces. Whatever confidence I had been gaining over the past few days was now shattered and gone. I regretted now more than ever talking back to my uncle. I cried for what seemed like hours until finally I fell asleep.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw that my head and arms rested on the wooden rowboat that laid at the bottom of the ocean floor. I immediately noticed Little Buddy coming up to me and then nuzzling his muzzle against my cheek. It felt weird to cry underwater but yet I still did I felt myself choking on sobs and shaking even.,
"Why are they so horrible to me?' I asked the small black heel. "I wish my mother had taken me with her so I'd never have to live with them and have this life."
Little Buddy said nothing as he was just an ordinary eel. He continued to nuzzle me and rub himself against my arms and my cheek. For now it was enough.
After a long few minutes of crying, I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked up, turned around and saw Zithan. He held a sorrowful face. Seeing him, I began to cry even more. I personally don't know why but I continue to cry. No tears flowed from my cheeks as I was under the water but I still felt my eyes watering slightly as my tears emerged into the sea water around me.
I turned back around and placed my head down on the wooden boat. From the corner of my eye, I saw him move and swing his long black tail around me. I could feel it over my back and where my legs would be. It was like a blanket...
Almost as if he was trying to comfort me in his own way. He propped an elbow on the wood boat next to my head and placed a hand on my shoulder.
After a few minutes, he ran his long nails through my hair stroking my head. Little buddy curled up near my arms and cuddled me with his slimy body. I continue to quietly sob, not saying anything. Nor did Zithan.
The next morning, my uncle was gone. My father was asleep in his bedroom, probably hungover. Seeing the time that it was, which was around 9:00 a.m., I decided to call Officer Dean and ask him if the investigation was over. More than anything, I wanted to go back underneath the pier.
With my dreams of Zithan and cleaning the beach, I now realized it was my only escape for peace.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Officer Dean asked picking up after two rings.
"Yes sir, everything is okay. I just wanted to ask if I could go underneath the pier today."
"Yeah, you should be able to. They wrapped up the body and all the other evidence. So everything should be fine now. I'll keep you in the loop if they need to come back." he said. "Are you at home right now?"
"Yes sir, I am." I said. "But I just wanted to call ahead of time and see if I could go down there."
"All right then, I'll be seeing you soon. Come through the pier entrance and I'll let you down." he said.
"All right, I'll be there in a little while." I responded.
After this, I hung up and began to get dressed. After looking at my phone to check the weather, I realized it was even warmer than I was yesterday. With February coming to a close, I realized that spring would soon be upon us and so will the warmer weather. Tourists would be flooding the area soon and more than likely they would want to go under the pier. It was now more important than ever to make sure everything was cleaned up.
I placed on a green t-shirt with a pair of long black skinny jeans. I placed up my boots grabbed my backpack and started to go.
As I grab the door knob, I remembered the squeakiness of the bedroom door. I carefully fidgeted through the small gap and made sure my door did not squeak not wanting to alarm my dad. I used my tactic of muffling the slider lock with a sweater as I unlocked it.
Before I left, I grabbed a bottle of water and placed it inside of my backpack. I was reminded of the 12$ I had gotten day before. I decided to finally use it and buy myself some lunch today.
I finally left the house around 9:15 a.m. and I began to make my way down the long sidewalk that led up to the pier. I skipped the scenic route of the beach shores for today.
Arriving there, I saw the pier was more alive this morning than ever. Half the parking lot was full of cars and I could see the entrance flooding with people.
It never really occurred to me that people will want to visit the prier bright and early in the morning. This was considering most of the game stands in the ferris wheel were closed until noon.
However, I didn't forget about the breakfast taco stands that they held every morning. They must have been very popular if the food stands constantly kept getting business on the pier even in the winter.
I realized I hadn't eaten anything all morning and decided to eat before I started my work on the pier. Seeing Dean, I waved over at him. He smiled and waved back. He wore his usual uniform with his hat and sunglasses on.
Once I reached his side, he said, "Are you ready to go down?"
I shook my head.
"No, not yet I actually would like to try some food from the breakfast stands this morning before I go down."
Dean race his eyebrows and surprise.
"Oh, so you actually eat huh?" he said teasingly. "No problem. I definitely recommend Al's breakfast tacos. They're more popular than any of the other food stands.
I nodded and made my way into the pier. I immediately noticed the food truck to the taco stand was quite long, giving truth to what Dean had said. I waited patiently in line and got my money ready. After reading the sign, I realized that a breakfast taco with eggs and bacon only costed about $5. I wasn't a very big eater in the morning so this would have been perfect for me. After 10 minutes of waiting in line, I finally got my order.
As I turned away to go to one of the benches to eat I almost ran into someone.
"Good morning, young lady." said Mr Hendricks.
I froze when I saw him. I hadn't seen him since he had stalked me on the pier a few days ago. Why was he coming up to me directly now?
"Oh, good morning, Mr Hendricks. I've been meaning to stop by to your shop again." I said, placing on fake smile as best as I could.
The air between us felt more off than ever, making me nervous. I shifted uncomfortably.
"What brings you to the pier today, Mr Hendricks?" I asked.
"Come over here, let's talk." he said turning away from me.
My heart began to beat fast and I immediately thought of Zithan. Zithan and him were sworn enemies. While I never told Mr. Hendricks that I had seen the siren, I had a large terrible feeling that this conversation was going to be about Zithan.
I hesitated but followed him to the side of the carousel where no one could see us. I felt nervous more than ever in my heart began to race even more with worry.
"Is there something I can help you with sir?" I asked.
"So how did you come across to see Jetson?" he asked upfront.
I blinked at him and confusion and didn't remember for a moment that he had named Zithan after one of Ursula's eels.
Meaning Zithan never came to him in his dreams and told him his real name!
"I don't know what you mean sir." I said to him.
Mr Hendrix bared his teeth at me and his eyes narrowed. He took a step forward towards me. This alarmed to me and I took a step back
"Don't play coy with me young lady. The whole time you spoke to me, you looked afraid and like you had seen a ghost. It took me a minute to understand why you asked so many questions about the siren. But now it makes sense. Not once, did you ask me what proof I had of Jetsam. You never doubted or called me a fool one minute while I spoke of him."
I went silent. Half of me wanted to admit that I have seen the siren but the other half of me wanted to scream of being in the presence of Mr Hendricks. Right here and now, I no longer trusted in Mr Hendricks. I didn't feel safe in his presence. My instincts were telling me not to do or say anything about Zithan.
I needed to be brave and stand my ground. I didn't want to place Zithan in danger.
"Sir, I don't know what you're implying but all I wanted to do was learn more about the history of DarkFish Pier. I was quite confused by its name and I heard that I could get more information about it by you. You already told me it was named after the siren." I said sternly.
"I know you seen the siren Cadence." he said in a low terrifying voice.
Him speaking my name sent a big alarm in me. I took another step back and my eyes widened.
"How do you know my name?"
"There is much more than just your name that I know about you. You don't think I know that you've been cleaning underneath this pier every day where that siren creature lives? Or how about your father abuses you and you come here to escape from his blows?" he said. "Sirens are evil monsters of the sea. They lie, deceive, and make false promises only to lure you into the water and try to kill you."
I shook my head.
"You're insane. You're just a crazy old man that makes up wild stories to scare kids. I haven't seen anything. There's no such thing as sirens so please leave me alone or I will contact the police!" I yelled at him.
"Do you think the police are going to do anything about this? Much less do you think the police are going to protect you from that thing?" he asked me, almost laughing like a mad man. "What or whom is going to stop me from continuing to question you?"
"Probably me," spoke a voice nearby.
We both turned and saw Officer Dean standing by the carousel. His glasses were off and on the top of his hat. He held a angry look towards Mr. Hendricks.
"Mr Hendricks, you have been told repeatedly not to come back to this pier. Your restraining order forbids you from ever entering onto this pier.' Officer Dean said sternly.
"This prier practically belongs to me!" Mr. Hendricks yelled at Dean. "I'm the one who made it famous! I'm the one who gave it its name!"
"Yes and now you are the piers greatest shame." Officer Dean said. "If you do not leave now, I will call for backup and we will have you arrested for harassment against Miss Candice here and for breaking your restraining order. I am very sure the LAPD will have a fun time rebooking you into their system."
I saw Mr Hendrix grit his teeth and then stormed away. I gave out a sigh of relief and I looked over at Officer Dean. He took a few steps towards me.
"What did he say?" he asked me becoming calm again.
"I visited his shop a few days ago and I was asking about a painting of a siren that he had. I guess he thought I had seen one here and stalked me." I explained. "I saw him here the other day but I didn't know he wasn't allowed nor stalking me."
Officer Dean shook his head at me. "siren? Isn't that like a mermaid or something?"
I nodded my head. I then looked down at my egg and bacon taco. I have been so scared that I had accidentally crushed the poor tortilla and half in my egg and bacon were slipping out between the tin foil.
Seeing the site gave me more discomfort and grief as I was really looking forward to eating it. officer Dean looked at it and and looked up back at me
"Don't worry about it I'll go to Mr. Al and explain the whole situation. I'm sure he won't fuss over giving you a new free one." he assured.
I smiled up at him. "Thank you Dean, and thank you for saving me from Mr. Hendricks."
As we walked back over to Al's taco truck officer Dean spoke again, "If he ever comes back over to the pier, please let me or someone else know. That man is a psychopath. He's hurt people due to his belief in the siren. He's caused scenes of outburst and physical harm to others who don't believe in what he saw. It's why the pier management board banned him so many years ago and filed a restraining order against the owner of the pier as well."
I nodded, saying nothing. I realize now more than ever I should have never gone to Mr Hendrick's shop.
"I'm sorry to say some of this is my fault." Officer Dean said. "I should have told you all of this the first time around when you said you first saw him. He hasn't been spotted on the pier in some time now so I was doubtful. After we waited and didn't find him coming out, I just decided not to say anything. I should have but I didn't. I feel now if I did tell you back then, you would have been more on guard and all of this could have been avoided."
"It's okay, Officer Dean." I assured him. "He didn't hurt me. And that's all that matters. I won't ever go near him again."
After getting and eating a new breakfast taco, Officer Dean went to escort me to the gate that led under the pier.
However, as we pasted the management office, the door opened. A detective came out and waved us down. She wore a light black jacket with her title embedded with it. She also wear a long chain necklace with a badge on it.
Her long blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail and her eyes about as blue as the ocean underneath.
"Officer Dean, is this the girl you spoke of earlier?" she asked.
Officer Dean looked at me and then back at the detective. He nodded.
"Great." The detective said, coming out from the management office doorway and down to us.
She held out her hand and said, "My name is Detective Kelly. I work for LAPD. I would like to ask you questions about your time under DarkFish Pier."


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