Part 21 - Commando Unit and new managment

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While William is resting, I was summoned to Andersen's office. 

Andersen : There you are. You really yourself through the wringer with that last fight. Anyway, it's good that you made it out alive. Where is Commander William?

Lowell : He is resting right now in the Outpost.

Andersen Very well, I will send a message to inform him after this. Let's cut to the chase. The reason I called you here in such a hurry was because I've received instructions from the Central Government.

Lowell : Instructions?

Andersen : You and William are the only Commanders who has survived multiple encounters with Chatterbox. You're the firsts to come in contact with the Pilgrims and the Heretics, and witness an altercation between them. You're also the firsts to see one of their former subordinates become a Heretic. Therefore, some key personnel in the Central Government have come to a decision. Considering how often you have come into contact with living beings up on the surface you, William and your own squad are being appointed as Special Commandos.

Lowell : Special Commandos?

Andersen : Simply put, you'll have more autonomy when it comes to your missions. No one under the rank of Deputy Chief may issue an order of any kind. You may also refuse any order issued by the upper ranks, provided there is a justifiable reason for doing so. So long as you maintain regular reports, no one can touch you. I should also mention that, if you were so enclined, you are also entitled to conceal information. Ah yes, and the CEOs of the Big Three have no power over you whatsoever. That was my own suggestion.

Lowell : ... Thank you.

Andersen : But you are still stationed at the Outpost. You've come a long way in such a short span of time. You were the only logical choice. From now on, you will live in the Outpost, where you may investigate all beings above ground as you see fit. In regards to the Ark, you are free to come and go as you please.

Lowell : Understood.

Andersen : As for now, you and everyone else get to enjoy a month's vacation. You've all been through a lot. Take this as an opportunity to rest and recuperate. I realize you have a lot on your plate and want to get started, but for now, rest. That's an order.

Lowell : ... I'll keep that in mind.

Andersen : ... I was hoping that you would be able to slip under the Central Goverment's radar. But now, their ambition devours all. That's why I sent you to the Outpost in the first place. Out of sight, out of mind. I didn't expect you to do so well so quickly and end up drawing attention to yourself.

Well, with the kind of adventure we had, it's no wonder people are looking at us.

Andersen : Also, we detected a sound of gunfire whi originated from your AO. Do you know anything about it?

Lowell : ... I have no idea. Perhaps it was the fight between the pilgrim and the heretic that you detected?

Andersen : ... I see. That'll be all. I'm due for a lunch meeting. Keep up the good work.

Lowell : Wait, I have a request to make.

Andersen : I suppose I have some to hear you.

Lowell : I request the suspension of all operations on the surface except for us.

Andersen : ... Do you even know what you're demanding?

Lowell : Yes. On the last mission, we hear from Unlimited, a heavy decrease of Nikkes being found in the north and the corpses found by them have their brains missing while the number of missions taken on the surface hasn't changed. I suspect the Raptures have changed strategy and they needed Nikkes to accomplish their goal.

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