Part 9 - A new mission

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*In a office*

Andersen : Well? How'd it go?

Ingrid : ... I can't believe it.

Andersen : ... Really?

Ingrid : A complete and utter disaster. Numerous errors messages and a overload in the Simulation Room. It will takes weeks to repair the damages.

Andersen : Oh? Most unexpected indeed. And any idea for the cause?

Ingrid : I've got no lead for now.

Andersen : Only one way to test them now.

Ingrid : We have plenty of missions to send them on. Take your pick.

Andersen : Whichever is most difficult.

Ingrid : So... This one should do the trick.


I've gone to the administration district to get my identification chip. I was expecting them to take one or two days to make my chip. However when they saw me, they've immediately approached me with stunning speed. I've signed some papers to launch the procedure, I was going to leave until they pull me into a waiting room.

After some time, I get called by a woman, she handed me a chip and a phone. I was amazed by this efficiency and quickness, the letter send by Andersen do some wonders here. With this finished, I returned to Marian.

Now I was keeping company to her with the rest of my squad on a breakroom, she was sleeping after passing a lot of tests by the maintenance crew. I was playing with Marian's hair for a while until i get a message on my earpiece.

<Message received... playing now.>

<Diana : Hello, this is Diana. We have recieved your samples and the report with it along with the... susprising gift you have given to us. Can you find a isolate place for you to return? We need to talk about your recent actions and ours futures operations in this world along with the Commander here.>

Well it seems my actions caught up to me sooner than i thought. I need to return quickly there but i didn't explore the Ark yet so i don't know any place where they are nobody there. Maybe Anis and Rapi can help me for this.

Lowell : Hum... You girls, do you know a place where nobody will go there? I need to do something real quick.

Anis : ... Doing something fishy are you Commander?

Lowell : Fishy... yes but i assure you it's not something dangerous.

Anis : ...

Rapi : ...

Lowell : ...

Anis : There is a place called The Outpost. It's originally a construction site for a easier access to the surface except now it's abandoned. You can get there by using the train station.

Rapi : Be safe, Commander.

Lowell : Thank you and don't worry about me.

Anis : Before you go Commander. Are you from the Outer Rim?

Lowell : Huh? The Outer Rim?

Rapi : The Outer Rim is a place outside the Ark separated by a barrier. There are inhabitants who got here for various reasons like not having an citizen chip or being a criminal. The Central Government doesn't have any authority there.

Lowell : Oh ok. I assure you i'm not from the Outer Rim.

Anis : ... Allright, bye Commander.

I walk towards the train station and I go on the line where The Outpost is. When I finally arrive, i see many terrains fit for construction and a few on the center of it. No one is there, perfect. I go in the imposing building, hmm... a dormitory at the entrance, too exposed. Then I see a arrow pointing on 'Commander's quarters', i decide to go there and when i enter, i see a cozy room with a bed, a desk, a canape and even a bathroom. That's perfect, I lock the door, next i plant a spike on the floor and a portal soon appears. I then travel through the portal.

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