Calm Down

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The whole ship could always tell when Kid was going to be pissy for the day; he made it so obvious. When he woke up and the sound of thumping was loud enough to be heard by most, that was a sign things were gonna be bad for the day, that thought usually confirmed by some remarkably loud grumbling. Today was one of those predictably bad days, the afternoon beginning with loud cursing and a thump so loud it startled at least half the ship and alerted them that he had awoken. You even heard it yourself from your room, and you rolled your eyes, knowing you'd be expected to calm him down today. He was your boyfriend after all.

"I can fix him. Everyone else will just have to suffer with his attitude for a little bit." You groaned, rolling over in your bed. "What did these poor fools do before me?"

There was loads more clamor to follow your captain's late awakening, and what sounded like him dropping his prosthetic arm several times before a magnetic hum and thunk sound signified that he had gotten it on. For being a walking magnet, he sure had one of the most difficult times dealing with his arm. For the sake of your sanity, you decided to hang back in your room for a while and think of the best way to calm your cranky captain and lover down. He'd surely give you a headache if you went out there right now. You just had to hope he wouldn't be too much to handle for a while.

You had maybe twenty minutes of peace before Kid's outbursts had become too much for the others. The knock at your door pulled you from your brainstorming, and you sat upright in your bed when you heard the door creak open to see who it was. Very few crew members were allowed entry without your verbal approval, so you weren't surprised when Heat stepped into your room. He looked... concerned, which caused you to roll your eyes and sit forward with your head in your hand, groaning audibly.

"Oh boy... What news to you bring to me in regards to my lovely darling Kid?" You dared to ask, looking up at Heat through your fingers.

"Well... So far he's bitched everyone out. Killer is currently attempting to keep him calm. Who knows how long that will last though; he's pretty insistent and hard headed." Heat informed you.

"Bless Killer and all he does for us." You sighed. "Okay, I have an idea on how to get him to chill out. I'll be out there in fifteen minutes tops."

"Good to hear. Hopefully he won't rip anyone's head off in the meantime." Heat chuckled. "I should get back to Killer though. Last I checked he was going for the beer, and you know how he gets after one too many tankards of that."

"Oh boy do I ever." You said with a shake of your head. "Fifteen minutes. I promise."

Heat took your word and left you alone in your room once again. When the clamor outside had returned to a muffle, you groaned and hauled yourself off of your bed and padded over to to your dresser, reaching behind a specific drawer to pull out your hidden stash of bud. A few joints should do the trick to calm Kid down from his more than likely nonsensical hissy fit. With a content sigh, you took advantage of these last moments of peace and rolled up five joints in no time flat, sliding four of them in a neat little tin and the fifth behind your ear. It only took you ten minutes to do so thanks to muscle memory, and it was a damn good thing you were quick because something else came crashing down around you, nearly startling the weed out of your hands.

"What a grumpy bitch." You huffed, sliding your joint tin into your back pocket. "Poor Killer... Alright, my turn then."

With a sigh, you shoved your door open and made your way up to the deck where you could hear Kid's voice coming from. By the time you got there, you had heard the word 'no' come from Killer's mouth several times. Sure enough, Killer stood blocking the door to the booze storage, turning Kid away every time he attempted to go for a beer. Any time the redhead tried to magnetize the door off of its hinges to get in, someone else who was nearby would step in and scold him just enough to stop him. The group shaming method worked well on your fool of a captain, but it wouldn't last forever.

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