Flowers Are Stupid

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Today was supposed to be a good day; a perfect day even. It was your anniversary with Kid: your captain, your lover, your everything, yet only one of you seemed to remember what today was. From the moment you woke up you wanted to celebrate with him, but he was nowhere to be found. Turns out he was locked away in his room and refused to come out for some reason, and he refused to let anyone in. Even you. There was only one brief period of time where he came out of his room, and when you caught him in a corridor, you started to drop some hints here and there to see if he remembered, or really did forget. Unfortunately, all you got from him were short, thoughtless replies without so much as a mention as to what today was. He really did forget, at least that's how it appeared to be. The thought alone made your heart shrink away a little, much like you did back into your dimly lit room.

You didn't want to cause a scene. He really did look like he was busy with something, but your feelings were still hurt nonetheless. Keeping yourself away from others to avoid questions was the best solution in your eyes, so you stayed away where it was quiet in your room; a place you could be peacefully upset away from people. You didn't need to drag anyone else into this mess you called your feelings.... But, a certain vice captain seemed to always have a sixth sense for when something was going wrong. You had been curled up in the far corner of your bed for only a few minutes before you heard a faint knock on your door. Very few people on this ship gave you that courtesy, so you knew who had come to your room.

"What do you want, Killer..." You spoke up just loud enough to be heard through the door.

He took this as his sign to come in and found you curled up on your bed, hugging a pillow in a nest of blankets so large only the top of your head poked out. You looked just about ready to cry, but he had interrupted you before your first tears could fall. He felt a little bad, muttering an apology as he closed your door behind him and approached the edge of your bed, stopping a few paces short.

"I'm worried. I haven't seen much of you or Kid today. Did something happen?" He asked.

"I dunno, why don't you ask him if he's forgotten anything." You mumbled bitterly.

"Oh no..."

"Oh no is right. I can't believe he forgot our anniversary. Some fuckin captain." You rambled on, letting your frustrations out in a rant.

"There's... no way he forgot. I mean, it's Kid, but he couldn't have. Didn't you see him once today?" Killer asked, finally taking a seat on the edge of your bed.

"Yeah, and I dropped so many hints just to see if he would remember. For cryin' out loud I talked about how I thought a bouquet of flowers sounded nice and all he had to say was 'flowers are stupid' before he marched off to his room again!" You huffed, already on the verge of tears just from recalling the encounter. "... They're not stupid..."

"Oh- alright he's a meathead but he really went that far? Jeez, I'll go talk to him and see what's up. This doesn't seem right." Killer sighed, standing up again. "Stay here and I'll see what's going on in that empty head of his."

"... Thank you." You mumbled into your pillow. "You don't have to, but thank you."

"Of course, _____."

With a nod, Killer left your room and made his way to the quarters of his annoyingly beloved captain. Had the idiot really forgotten? He thought of the many ways he would give him hell if he truly did while he knocked on the door, waiting to be let in. However, he did not get a response. He got nothing but noise actually, which made him groan with annoyance as he let himself in anyway.

"Kid, what the hell are you-" He paused, looking curiously at the sight before him. "... doing?"

Kid paused too, slowly turning to face Killer from where he sat at his desk. He lifted up his goggles to shoot a moody look at Killer, irritated that his work had been disrupted. He was welding, holding a stem of scrap metal that looked almost like a flower. He looked quite busy indeed, but he would have to suck it up for now. Killer needed to find out what project this was and how it could be so important it caused him to forget about his own anniversary.

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