Chapter 18. A Fight against the Copycat

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[A/N: I just realized that this is a fight between two Number 18 students in canon in the 18th chapter lol.]

"Uraraka is unable to continue. Bakugou advances to the next round!" Midnight announces through the television screen in the Waiting Room as Izuku sighed, eyes filled with seriousness.

"We will have a ten minute break before advancing to the quarter finals." Present Mic said, making Izuku lean back to the chair as he began to think.

She could've won that if she didn't paused and talked to him. During the Ochako and Bakugou fight, if you can even call it that, the Zero Gravity user endured Katsuki's explosions enough to gather enough rubble that made it float to the sky and release it and let gravity drop them like a meteor shower. An ingenious plan that would've caught the explosion user off-guard if it weren't for the most anime thing that Uraraka had done.

According to what the television had shown, Ochako paused after slightly recovering Bakugou's explosion to say something before releasing the gathered rubble, making it rain down the field. But because Katsuki noticed it after she talked, he sent a large explosion to the sky, immediately dispersing the attack. Delsin told him something about a number one rule once "Never let them know your next move.", something that Ochako wasn't able to follow by mistake.

Making her surprise attack rendered useless. A rookie mistake, but quite understandable since she has no combat experience. Plus the fact that she didn't know that rule even existed. Heck, he didn't even know that move before Delsin told him(after he pulled down Izuku's pants in training, distracting the young conduit before he punched Izuku on the face).

Another possible way for Ochako to win is charging Katsuki while he had his hands in the air but that would be a bit risky with how large the explosion the blonde student released. In other words, it all depended on Ochako's next course of action.

It is what it is... He couldn't help but sigh as he shook his head and leaned back. Too bad Ochako lost, Toru was looking forward to the match with her. He thought.

Speaking of Toru. In her match with Momo, Toru won by distracting the Creation user with her blinding technique, which Izuku knew would be anticipated by Momo(and then proven right when she created a welding mask over her face). Toru also knows that that's why she used Piercing Light(1), a move where she gathers energy from the light coming from the sun, concentrating it into a small sphere before shooting it like a laser, something that Izuku helped her with during their training.

Said training bore fruit as Toru's attack hit Momo's shield and caused the tall girl to be pushed towards the edge of the ring, on top of the line. And with that Toru won against Momo.

He was glad to see his friend's hardwork in training bearing fruit. She deserved that win. Though, he could see Momo looking down in defeat as she walked away from the field.

Izuku couldn't help but feel bad for Momo, he could see that she was really giving it her all to win the whole thing. Despite that, during the match, he noticed that she was somewhat distracted. Making him wonder what seems to be troubling her.

That could wait for later, he has a match to focus on. That's why before Ochako and Bakugou's match, he went straight to the Waiting Room. Toru would've joined him, but Izuku told her that he'll be okay, since he needs to focus on strategizing.

His opponent, Neito Monoma, a fellow Hero Course student from their sister class, Class 1B. Izuku looked back at the boy's fight with Kaminari. The boy has an interesting quirk. Looking back at the match, Monoma appeared to have used different quirks against the Electrification user. He remembers the boy suddenly sprouting vines from his head, something that was obviously Ibara's quirk, to block Kaminari's Indiscriminate Shock.

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