Chapter 06 - Joyful Marsh

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Dear Ms. Kim,

I hope this email finds you well. On behalf of the entire Wild Cats team, I extend a warm welcome to you! We are thrilled to inform you that you have been selected as one of the contestants to join our esteemed group at the University of Melbourne.

Congratulations! You are now officially a member of Wild Cats, and we couldn't be happier to have you on board. As part of our team, you will be embraced as one of our own, and we are committed to supporting you like family throughout your journey with us.

Our upcoming event, the Foundation Event on February 12th, presents an exciting opportunity for us to showcase our talents on stage. We have been invited to perform at 9 PM, and your participation is crucial to our success. We are eager to collaborate with you and begin practicing together to deliver an outstanding performance.

Our first practice session will commence on Monday, and we look forward to seeing you there. This is just the beginning of your adventure with Wild Cats, and we are confident that you will thrive in our dynamic and passionate community.

Once again, congratulations on joining Wild Cats! We are excited to embark on this journey with you and create memorable experiences together.

Warm regards,

Yunjin Huh from
Wild Cats


Minji had been seated at her study table in her room for an hour, enveloped in an atmosphere of concentration. The soothing melody of "You" by Basil Valdes filled the background, accompanying the rhythmic sound of her pen colliding with the notebook pages as she diligently studied and jotted down essential information. Her focus was on reviewing and committing to memory the math formulas for their upcoming basic calculus quiz scheduled for Monday.

Despite her efforts, Minji found herself grappling with a particular math problem and the example their teacher had presented on the whiteboard the previous Monday. Each attempt to decipher the equations seemed futile as her thoughts wandered, unable to shake off the persistent intrusion of Hanni's presence. Hanni's image kept peeking through her mind, distracting Minji and leaving her yearning for the girl's presence even more.

As the minutes ticked by, Minji struggled to maintain her concentration, her mind torn between the complexities of calculus and the longing for Hanni's presence. The internal battle waged on, leaving Minji feeling increasingly frustrated and unfocused amidst her study session.

Minji's frustration reached a boiling point as she gathered her belongings and closed her notebook, leaning back in her chair with a heavy sigh. Casting her gaze upward to the ceiling, she attempted to push Hanni's image out of her mind, but it stubbornly persisted, refusing to be banished by mere distraction.

Despite the comforting melodies of the music filling the room, Minji found no solace in its familiar tune. Instead, each note seemed to echo her longing for Hanni, intensifying the ache in her heart. "It's your smile, your face, your lips that I miss," she murmured softly to herself, the lyrics resonating with the depth of her emotions.

Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions, Minji couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness gnawing at her soul. Despite having her sisters and Aeri, who had become her closest confidante, by her side, the absence of Hanni left a void that seemed impossible to fill.

As the music continued to play, Minji closed her eyes, silently wishing for the strength to endure the longing that consumed her. Deep down, she knew that until she could reunite with Hanni, her heart would remain restless, yearning for the one who had captured her affections so completely.

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