Chapter 2: A Fresh Start

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notes: sorry it took so long to get another chapter out, I started this during the pandemic, and couldn't continue on because of how difficult times were back then for me. I've returned, and I'm looking forward to writing more, so I'm not going anywhere until this is finished. Chapters will take 2-3 weeks to complete so bear with me on the updates :)

Tony Stark's POV

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. let everyone know that I want them here within the next seven minutes. Quick meeting." Tony spoke clearly to the A.I. while simultaneously pouring a generous amount of the dark-roasted bitterness he'd been craving into a simple black mug.

"Right away, Sir."

Early mornings like this could be a hit or miss for Tony depending on how busy his schedule would be. Thankfully, today has started wonderfully for the genius who doesn't merely have a full plate, but a whole damn buffet overflowing with responsibilities, and barely enough time in the day to get through even a quarter of it. All of the important tasks come first though, and being here this early was at the top of his list. It was his responsibility to introduce the new chef today, Pepper couldn't do it, and if he was being honest he felt that this was more personal for him.

Tony was so used to seeing such a proud smile on the chef's face that he had felt genuinely shocked the moment she appeared on the other side of the door completely defeated last night. It was undoubtedly depression, but he wasn't aware of how far the trauma goes, nor was he going to prod. She could go see the team's psychiatrist if she needed to, but for now, he figured helping the woman was the least he could do. She could cook one hell of a meal, and it would be a shame for that talent to go to waste just to rot in a dark room until she's thrown out onto the street. He couldn't have that. Whatever is bothering her would be fixed here. Tony is sure of it. The healing power that has been coursing through this team lately was too strong not to rub off on the struggling woman.

The temperature is below freezing this lovely winter morning, with the promise of snow hanging densely in the gray overcast clouds that thickly paint the sky. It's chilly enough that everyone is dressed cozily, even with the constant heat filtering through the building. There's also a pleasant aura of excitement bubbling around some of the team members who are looking forward to the first snowfall of the season. In a way, Tony is excited as well. Out of all these years with his friends, this is the first where they all have been getting along. They have been lucky that none of their celebrations or holidays ended badly with any fighting, which is an impressive accomplishment for Tony, Steve, and Bucky after they've had difficulties with being friends for a long while.

Team meetings happen almost always at random, so nobody knew what to expect when Tony had F.R.I.D.A.Y alert them to this impromptu gathering before they were scheduled to head to the gym and begin their morning workouts. Stark always kept his friends on their toes, so it was rather difficult for them to know if this would be another issue to handle with Tony or if he had a surprise for them. Lately, it has been the latter as some form of gift, and in a way, this new chef is a gift to his friends. Tony would have been happy to keep her talent all to himself, Morgan, and Pepper, but the team needed someone to help take care of them more than their small family of three does. Bucky has also been annoyed about doing most of the cooking when it's what he usually does for his enjoyment. He also does it to impress Steve, but cooking helps soothe Bucky when he isn't in charge of feeding those on the team who are terrible at making their own grub.

The familiar faces of his friends greet Tony once they wander their way into the warm expansiveness of the meeting room. He sat relaxed at the head of the table, casually sipping from his mug of potent coffee while looking over some of the paperwork that he quickly had F.R.I.D.A.Y. put together for this new employee. He usually wouldn't bother introducing or explaining a new hire around here, nobody honestly cared, but he's never hired a permanent chef for the group before. Someone who was going to be living closely in the compound with them and who would be in daily communication with the team to make anything they were craving. If Tony hadn't informed them before breakfast, then she would just end up surrounded by curious Avengers wanting to know who the hell is in their kitchen and why. It's better to just get it out of the way first to avoid any possible stress. Especially after how timid his favorite chef was when he made that unexpected visit last night. Tony didn't want the team to scare her off on the first day.

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