Chapter Nine - Natasha Banks

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Chapter Nine: Natasha

            Last night had been the worst night of my life, I swear. Despite breaking up with Jason on some-what good terms I still felt like crying my eyes out. My parents still weren’t home and they hadn’t even tried to call to see if I was still alive. This made me want to cry too, plus Glenda’s shift had ended so she had left. I was completely alone, well not really, the lump of being was swimming inside my womb. Gross.

            So there I had been, alone in a mansion with nobody except Juju; my Pomeranian. The little white fur ball had let me cry on her for hours; when I was finally done she licked up the last of the tears and smiled at me, panting a little.

            But still, only left with a dog makes you really feel useless. I tried texting Paisley but she was at some party, she text me a smiley face and a; thinking of you text but I didn’t feel up to texting her back. If she was around Sutton her whole atmosphere was clouded, Sutton had that effect.

            Ugh speaking of Sutton she’s going to totally put a buzz kill on this pregnancy. I know I shouldn’t care what people think and just deal with my consequences but Sutton had power and power meant control and control meant that I could easily be sitting in the bathroom eating my lunch for the rest of my school life. Which would kill me, I wasn’t queen bee but I was close, I wasn’t a wannabe like Madeline who ate, slept and breathed in Sutton. I wasn’t the party-Paisley or Kick-it-Kourtney who was extremely likeable. I was just rich, pretty, meaning blonde and had somehow managed to be part of the Paisley pair.

            Sighing I checked the time, I had thirty minutes till Martin (chauffeur) picked me up to go to Privilege High. I had one last piece of hair to curl, then I just had to slip into my dark blue pumps and I was ready to go. My school made us wear a uniform but it was pretty stylish, that and we got to alter it however we wanted. So today I wore; the white button-up with a grey checkered cardigan, the pleaded barely-reaching-mid-thigh skirt with no tights today and blue pumps. I was being bold.

            “Time to face the day, kid.” I always called myself a kid and freaked out when anyone else did it, but today, I meant it to my kid. The one growing inside me, I was totally freaking out about it but today no one knew, no one could see and I liked it that way. I’d remain ninety pounds for this week.

            Before I knew it I was walking out the front to hop into my limo that was waiting promptly at seven-thirty. Taylor Swifts; I knew you were trouble was on as I strapping my seat belt on. For the first time I could relate to this song, usually I was the one breaking up with my boyfriends, not the other way around. Even though the break-up with Jason was pretty much mutually it still stung like a bad bee sting.

            “Trouble, trouble, trouble!” Taylor whined, but this time I totally related. I hummed to the tune, but by the second chorus I was screaming with Taylor.

            The limo pulled up to Privilege Private and my stomach dropped and my heart sped off, I wanted to stay in the limo. No, I wanted to go back home, crawl into a ball and go into comatose. But I couldn’t, one because I was a Banks and I had a reputation to uphold and because Paisley had already seen the limo and was walking my way.

            Sighing I got out of the limo, muttering something to the driver.

            “Hey how you doing? Jason’s like all over Sutton, what. Happened?” Pais demanded the second my foot hit the sidewalk, I looked around trying to find them. My eyes found them; they were sitting on one of the many purple tables in the front of the school. Jason’s arm was wrapped around Sutton’s right Bulimic waist like they were in love. Gag me with a spoon already. To make matters worse, Sutton grabbed his chin and jammed her tongue down his throat with a force that made me stumble backwards. Could she be any grosser?

            “We called it quits, he wasn’t ready to be a father and I’m not in love with him, so mutually we broke it off.” I said as plainly as I could, swallowing the fire I cooled down a little. Sutton could have my left overs, my mom taught me how to share my toys.

            “Oh… still that’s really slutty of Sutton to do that.” Pais looped my arm with hers and we started walking down the path way to school. Pais was always there for me. When we passed Sutton she waved as us, Pais flipped her the bird and kept walking. I loved Paisley!

            “Thanks.” I told her once we were safely inside.

            “What are bff’s for anyways?” She shrugged it off like it was nothing.

            “Is Kourtney here?” I asked remembering Kourt wasn’t sitting with Sutton, Jason and Madeline.

            “No K and I decided we’re done with Sutton and being done with Sutton means being done with Maddie too. But K’s fine with it.” Okay so many big things happened in one night it was starting to make my head spin.

            “What are you talking about?” I asked her putting in the combination to my locker.

            “K knows about your uh... um condition.” My heart stopped, skipped a beat and went out to lunch before it came back. I froze in my stop, I thought I could trust Paisley but she had told Kourtney. Telling K was like putting something on Mybook, everyone would know by lunch if everyone didn’t already know. This is just great; I shouldn’t have seen that stupid TubeYou abortion video!

            “Why… why would you do that? I told you not to tell anyone, why Paisley why?” I was freaking out, I needed to leave I couldn’t be around these people. Tears burned my eyes I just wanted my mommy, that empty feeling that had never been filled.

            “Jeesh calm down I just told K and she swore she wouldn’t tell anyone,” she paused; “plus I had to tell her so she’d side with us about Sutton. Who’s being a total b*tch by the way, she treats us like crap and it needs to stop!”  Sutton hadn’t changed, Paisley was just now seeing how Sutton could be; I’m guessing Sutton did something to Paisley and know Pais is pissed.

            “So you used my baby as a bargaining chip for high school drama? Wow that’s totally what good friends do!” I slammed my locker shut and went to the nurse’s office and told them I needed to go home. Thirty minutes later my mom was at my school, for the first time ever she picked me up and took me home.

            I think hell froze over…

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