Chapter Eight - Penelope Books

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Authors Note:

I am SO sorry it took me to long to write this! I've been soooo busy with finals and stuff at home! Here is the next chapter, hope you all enjoy it I know I did. It's kinda just filler so you can get to know the cast but still; fan, read, vote and comment!


Chapter Eight: Penelope

Tears streamed my face my dad had never yelled at me like that, he’d slapped and spanked me before, but not for a long time. He'd never hit me like that before, the trauma of it even happening stung worse than the slap itself. I knew once he tried to hit Erik but Erik hit him back and called Social Services on him, Erik was much stronger than I was. I felt so weak, my hands went on my face trying to hold myself together.

            “What happened?” Erik asked me in a stressed tone, he grabbed my shoulders and shook them when I didn’t answer. His long shaggy brown hair was almost past his eyebrows, he needed a haircut. Thats right Penn, focus on something else. Like how his breath smells like lemon from those stupid lemon drops he sucks on all the time.

            “I just… I need to go.” I tried to pass him but he side-stepped me, crossing his arms over his chest; demanding an answer.

            “What did he do?” He meaning our dad, Erik didn’t like him much, I’m sure if you asked him he’d tell you he hated him.

            “He was making excuses for me not to stay home and I kinda snapped, I told him I was old enough to make some decisions and he told me to leave and come back when I have manners.” I let out another cry, Erik hugged me telling me he’d figure something out. The thing was, I didn’t know if I wanted to come back, things were already rough, me just wanting to make some decisions led him to slapping me, what would he do when I told him I was pregnant?

            “Thanks Erik but I just got to get out of here.” I wiped the tears that had fallen away and grabbed my backpack, Erik took it and threw it over his shoulder.

            “Come on little sis, I’ll walk you down.” I just nodded, no way was I walking down there alone. I’ll be the first to admit I was afraid of my dad, I was more afraid of what he’d say and do to me when he found out about my child growing inside of me. This was too much for one day. I felt a wave of something but it was gone before I could identify it, I did get a taste of despare before it left.

            We got to the bottom step where mom and dad were; mom was finishing the potatoes and dad was overseeing everything she did. I think he liked to feel like he was part of making dinner, we all knew he wasn’t. Or maybe he just wanted to feel like he had control over everything movement she mad. I held the tears at bay, was that what he was trying to do with me?

            “Erik what are you doing down here, I didn’t call you for dinner!” My dad’s voice rang towards us, I flinched, and Erik rolled his eyes.

            “I didn’t leave the house, what are you gonna do call the po-po and tell them I left my room, that’ll go over well.” My brother said sarcastically, I smiled he always knew how to make me laugh. Our dad on the other hand was red-faced and his fist were clenched, he was gonna get it when I left.

            “Just for that you don’t get dinner.” My dad snapped back, my shoulders slumped now I felt bad. Even though I knew Erik had a stash of food in his room, that and his best friend worked at Pizza Hutty, I'm sure he could arrange something. 

            “K.” My brother started walking towards the door with my bag, I just followed not knowing what else to do. Plus the smell of the meatloaf was making me nauseous.

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