Chapter 7

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Maybe somewhere deep down in his own subconscious he did care. But it wasn't enough to warrant any action from him. Megumi wasn't sure who you were to him. He wasn't sure if he could even deem you a 'true friend' yet. You were his colleague. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Kugisaki Nobara twirls her way into the common area. It breaks Megumi out of his introspections. The girl is in a rather good mood. She finds herself standing behind Megumi, who still sits on the couch. Her hands go to his shoulders. She leans down, smirks and begins to pester the guy, "So, what were you saying again?? It doesn't concern me?? Hm?? Hmmm?!"

The girls talking about the exchange event. Now that she has her instructing rights reinstated she had some preparations to do—for Megumi's class.

Megumi clicks his tongue. His teeth grits in aggravation. He rolls his shoulders to rid of her intruding hands that invited themselves into his personal space, "Don't get use to it. It's temporary."

The brown-hair girls hands go to the backrest. Her fingers curl against the pillows as she forms an almost shit-eating grin. This provocation is certainly intended on her behalf, "Ain't karma a bitch?"

"I think you're getting it wrong...." Megumi makes a face. Not a pleasant one. It isn't karma on his end; it's pure misfortune. Because he did nothing wrong. If anything, he didn't do anything at all. Nobara, however, she did everything wrong. But despite anything Megumi ever did, he always seemed to be the one who got the repercussions for it.

Nobara is out of words to say. The girl sticks her tongue out instead, to taunt the raven-hair. "NNnnnngghh!!"

He doesn't say or do anything. Megumi would rather not waste his breath. He picks and chooses his battles wisely. And this, this isn't one of them.

The man's silence makes Nobara laugh obnoxiously. She throws herself onto the couch next to Megumi before she finally acknowledges Gojo. Then the girl continues her unrelenting goading, "So, a few days alone with Y/N? A pervert like you must be excited."

There's an impending vein that will protrude on the guys forehead. Megumi's teeth gritting becomes a clench. He's never going to hear the end of it. This was probably the worst nickname and on-going joke by far, "Will you cut it out?!"

"There's no need to be shy, Fushiguro." She smirks annoyingly, "I bet you're secretly a playboy."

Gojo's arm goes to the backrest and he relaxes further into his seat before he questions Megumi, "Is that what you've been spending my money on?"

"I spend my own money." Megumi doesn't even know what a playboy is and last he remembers, the guy spends his own hard earned cash, "I don't even know what that is."

"It's a wealthy man, usually older—" Gojo does a little thing with his hand as he explains, "—who has a bunch of playmates."

"Wouldn't that be you?"

Gojo makes a face in disbelief. He doesn't dismiss the entire accusation. He only dismisses a part of it, "They're usually elderly men."

Nobara starts to count with her fingers. The girls humor has always been quite savage, "White hair. Check. White eyebrows. Check. White eyelashes. Check. You are elderly."

There's some silence here. Gojo's not amused.

"Oh, and probably—" Nobara continues her thoughts aloud. She doesn't care if it's offensive either, "—white pub—"

She doesn't get to finish her sentence. Megumi slaps his hand onto her mouth to shut her up, "Alright! That's enough!"

Gojo runs a hand through his hair. His completely cocky-self doesn't care what anyone says about him. He's conceited. He's arrogant. His mind perpetually knows he's hot shit. The man grins, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Kotoba Ijō 言葉以上 ⋮  Fushiguro MegumiWhere stories live. Discover now