Part 9 "T.R.I.P.I.N.G"

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A Short Story



WARNING: GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT. All characters included are 18 years of age or over. For mature readers only! (18)+. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO THOSE LIVING OR DEAD ARE MERLY COINCIDENTAT.

."Yeah, yeah. I replied to the drunk first-year leaning out of the university's bar window. I never usually went inside because I do not drink, and dislike being around drunks, the noise, smell, and outlandish behavior. I found it all was too much for me.

I mean it Im going to ask you he slurred. If I have not lost my virginity by the end of the year, Im gonna ask you for my first head job! He finished speaking and began laughing with a few of his mates like it would never happen. Even drunk I thought he was a bold character to talk about gay sex out in the open and in front of his mates as it was still taboo in those days to do so. I concluded that the joke was on me.

So, I continued on my way back to my room and paid no more attention to the loose promise I had just made with the drunk first-year TRIP (TRIP was his college nickname given to him by some third-year students during orientation week because he appeared to be tripping all the time). Though I did ask myself would he have proposed his intentions to me if he was sober?

I was the only open, proud Gay student who lived in the old colleges dormitories. I was considered an outsider by most, outcast by some but still had a great group of loving and understanding friends of both genders. I was never directedly targeted for being homosexual and I never let the haters bring me down. I was attending a rural campus of the University of Western Sydney, where there were only a handful of city-born students living in the dorms, the rest of the residences were all farmer's sons and daughters, true Rednecks through and through.

It was cold, I was stoned so I just wanted to chill out to some music before I turned in for the night.

I may have been asleep for a minute or two before there was a loud knock at my door. I was not impressed, so I jumped out of my bed, did not bother to dress (I slept unhindered in boxer shorts or pajamas), and did not care who I

was about to offend by giving them an eye full of my nakedness. I planned to be offensive with my words too! Loudly, again the person knocked.

I opened the door with an audible huff only to get the surprise of my life. It was a drunken TRIP. He too was completely naked and had walked to my door this way. He had nothing to be ashamed about with a body like his. I just hoped no one worked out where he ended up because if they had he would be put on the outer like me. I was in my third year and definitely could handle myself against the Rednecks, but I was not so sure he could.

I quickly pulled him inside and locked the door behind us leaving us standing in complete darkness. Before I turned on my light, I made a smart remark, You are about six months early.

He laughed. I could not wait.

I did not get much of a chance to inspect his physique as I pulled him into the darkness of my dorm room so I turned on the light to illuminate my small space so I could see his naked body and let him see mine.

As soon as we could see we focussed our respective gazes to get a good look at each others packages, and from his smile, he liked what was standing erect from between my legs; not only had TRIP walked to my room naked, but he had also done so with his hardon on display.

That blew me away, and so did the fact he just laid down on my bed before I had a chance to ask him to, patting the space next to him, indicating he wanted me to join him there. As I began to do so, I spoke.

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