Part 2 "Messuring Up"

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"Measuring Up"

-Facts About The Size and Look of the Average Australian Male Penis-

By Chris M Richards.

Mature Content for Adults Only.

I usually write homosexual erotica for gay men. Like I  have stated before most fiction is born from fact. In my stories I try and present realistic descriptions of all types of men and of course their cocks.

I wanted to know what the average size of the Australian Male Penis is. Not just so I could make readers more relatable to certain characters in my writing but because I was curious myself. I wanted to know where I fit in. I thought like most guys my dick was on the smaller side of things. It had not mattered what I had been told to be sexual partners because my cock does not look like one a porn actor may have. I believed porn cock looks and sizes were the norm and the norm was small and ugly (the porno videos available at the time were American studio porn, where all penis were 7-8-inches long, and they all were circumcised). I thought my dick was ugly because I had a foreskin!

So I entered 'average size of the Australian male penis' into Google and I learned quite a lot.

I like most guys have wondered at one time or another if they have a small, average, or large penis. A lot of us, myself included think our dicks are small because we are used to the 7-inch cocks presented in studio porn. This can lead to body image issues men simply should not be burdened with.

So here we go. The average flaccid penis length is 3 to 4 inches (9.16cm) and erect. 5.69-inches (14.4)Cm. The globule average length of the male penis is 5.55 inches.

As far as. Girth is flaccid the average is 9.16cm in circumference and erect Girth is between 10-13cm.

It is worth noting that many researchers of studies of penis size do not measure the sample population themselves instead they rely on participants in the study to measure themselves. As a result, it is thought that this has many added up to 2cm to the results of their measurements so averages are likely to be smaller than first reported.

I can also happily report that nearly every man I have had sex with has fallen within the parameters of the study's results. Very few of the hundreds of sexual partners I have had have been larger and perhaps one or two smaller.

With size out of the way I wanted to know more about the statistical facts about the appearance of the Aussie cock so I wanted to know the national ratio between cut (circumcised) or un-cut (uncircumcised). 80% of Australian penes still have their foreskin intact while 20% of men are circumcised. We all have our preferences.

But does all of this matter? Most (75%) people don't care about an inch here and a centimeter there. They primarily care about how it makes them feel. So even though a nice big cock is pleasant to the eye, this is not what the average guy is packing in his pants.

I should explain the official manner in which the male cock is measured. Take a soft tape measure. You measure along the top of your penis. Start at the base, where you can feel your Punic bone, along the shaft, over the head to the eye of your cock. It's as simple as that.

To measure the true girth or circumference of your penis measure around the shaft of your dick, halfway along the shaft between the base and head of your dick.

Age vs's Penis Size: it is a known fact that as a male ages blood flow to his penis becomes less, therefore allowing the spongy tissue of his penis to shrink. This could be due to a drop in testosterone in middle age, a bad diet and smoking, and a lack of erotic play in his life.

Masturbation can not only help you keep your prostate in check (it is recommended by some Drs one to five orgasms a week and stimulating hard-ons as they present their sleeves may also aid against the spongy tissue in the penis from shrinking. Therefore keeping your penis bigger for longer. You know what they say if you don't use it you lose it!

So there you have it. I hope this brings confidence to many of you and I promise to keep the manhood in my stories as real as possible (when writing about the average Aussie man).

So did I get the tape measure out? Yep. I sure did! So as my penis is the star of the show, when it comes to my erotic stories. So, I guess you're now asking how I measured up. Here are my measurements.

Flaccid 5 inches
Erect 6,5 inches
Look uncut

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Chris M Richards (Writer Chris M Richards)

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Thanks for reading my work 😀❤️😀
Look cut

I will leave you on this note. Apparently, over the past 30 years, the male penis (globally) is increasing in size and length. This may be something to joke about but things are not all good with this physical change in the male body. When I find out more I will enter it here in my Gay Sex Journal.

 My Gay Sex Journal Vol 1  Where stories live. Discover now