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She had bumped into Alex last week, which was very weird, at least on her part. Because, if she were honest, she had not felt what she expected to feel. She expected to feel... something? Instead, she felt nothing. Which was somewhere worrying her just as much as it relieved her. As much as it relieved her, it was nothing in comparison to how relieved Kika seemed to be upon hearing that news. That woman never failed to make her laugh. Aurora started to understand her choice in a best friend more and more every day.

As April turned into May, Charles was supposed to leave for the Miami Grand Prix at any moment. Things between Aurora and Charles had been strained, to say the least. Charles had been quite busy with work, and, if she were honest, she had been avoiding him when he was actually home. She kept herself busy by hanging out with Kika, or otherwise retreating to her room the moment Charles arrived home from work. Currently, she was working her way through all the books on their bookshelf, which turned out to be more demanding than she initially expected.

"Lora, I'm heading out," Charles said as she was completely absorbed in her book. "Lora?" Charles asked again, stepping into her frame of sight.


"I'm leaving."

"Where to?"


"Oh, that's right. It's already Wednesday," she said as she put down her book.

"It is," Charles said, concealing the fact that he did not know how to act around her.

"Good luck this weekend."

"Are you certain you're not coming with me?"


"You're my wife, Lora," he said, not being able to conceal his disappointment.

"Have a safe flight."

"Don't change the subject."

"I have plans this weekend, I'm sorry," she lied, because she did not have any plans. Her being there, it would be complicated.

"I miss you, I miss your support. You're my lucky charm," he acknowledged quietly. She sighed, not sure what to say to him. She raised her hand to grab his, which she reconsidered halfway through her movement, though she still decided to go through with her action. As she intertwined her hand with his, he surprisingly looked up into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I will light a candle for you and support you from here. I'm just not ready."

"It's okay Lora. Thank you, I'll see you on Monday," he said as he let go of her hand, walked out and closed the door behind him.

Moments after Charles had left, the door opened again, so she assumed Charles had forgotten something. Instead, it was Kika who walked in.

"Hey, Auri."

"Hey Kieks," she sighed.

"What's going on?"

"It's just... Charles is heading to the Miami Grand Prix, and things between us are not great."

"Which is understandable considering what you went through.

"I know, it just feels like we're stuck."

"Look, I think you should come with me to Miami. Support Charles at the race. It might do wonders for both of you."

Aurora hesitated, "I appreciate that, Kika, but it's complicated. You know, with my memory loss and everything."

Kika leaned in, "I get it, but you can't keep avoiding each other. Why don't you pack your bags and come with me? We'll have a great time, and you can support Charles without adding any extra pressure."

"I don't know, Kika. It's just not the right time. Besides, me returning to the Ferrari garage as Charles' wife will attract a lot of attention from the press and I am honestly not sure if I can handle that right now."

"What if I told you that we could go to the race and you wouldn't have to worry about all the attention? We can watch it from the Alpine garage. You'll be there as my friend, and it won't attract too much press. Plus, you'll still be able to show Charles that you're there for him."

"In the Alpine garage? That might work, but I don't want to be a distraction."

"Trust me, you won't be. You can be there for Charles without all the media attention. Sometimes, words speak louder than actions. And he'll see you supporting him. It might be just what you both need."

Aurora pondered for a moment, "You really think so?"

"Absolutely. Let's make it happen. We can fly to Miami tonight on Pierre's private jet."

"Gasly's jet? Seriously?"

"Yep, seriously. It's going to be an adventure, Lora. And who knows, it might bring you and Charles closer."

"Alright, let's do it. I could use a change of scenery. These walls are starting to close in on me."

"That's the spirit! Pack your bags, girl."

So, that's what Aurora did. She filled her suitcase with mostly clothes, bags, shoes and make-up. When they were finally done with packing everything she according to Kika, "just had to bring", they had some serious trouble closing the suitcase. "Charles would've come in handy right now, don't you think?" "Oh shush," Aurora said as she rolled her eyes. Jumping on her suitcase she finally managed to close it properly. "So, let's go to Miami?"

"I'm so glad to hear you say that," Kika smirked as she walked through the door. "I am one hundred percent team Chauri!"

Doomed - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now