Unpleasant Memories

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Mandarin: Nothing

Fang was less nervous as the night went on. Ying was mostly with him, helping to fend off the overbearing and intrusive questions by her cousins.

Jiang: Have you all ever kissed~

Ying: Jiang! You don't need to know that!

Hua: But haaaavveee you?

Fang: Heh, A few times...

Yaling: So romantic!

Ying: Oh my gosh...

Wu: Hey Fang! Ying said you're good at Basketball!

Fang: Huh, well yeah, it's my favorite sport.

Wu: Can we go play tomorrow then!?

Fang: Uh sure if you want to.

Wu: Yes!

Fang went to go reach for something else in his bag, then Shi saw a book.

Shi: Ooh! What's that?

Fang: Huh, oh this is just a drawing book.

Fei: Oh! Can we see?

Ying: Guys-

Fang: No it's fine. You can look.

Fang liked to draw, it was one of the outlets he had as a kid that he carried with him up until now. He had brought one of his sketchbooks with him as a pastime and smartly took the one with just drawings of Rintis island and mostly no aliens or things on other planets. Shi flips through the book as some of the other kids look.

Liang: Wow these are good!

Fang: Thanks guys.

Min and Lin then walked in the room, Min was wearing her nightgown while Lin was in a vest and sweatpants.

Min: Kids it's almost time to turn in for the night.

Wu: Aww mom...

Lin: What you kids looking at anyways?

Jiang: Fang's drawings.

Shi: *flips page* Oh! Is this Ying?

Ying: Huh?

The drawing was of Ying, in her birthday outfit, smiling widely. Ying takes the book from Shi and looks at it.

Ying Oh, this is new. When'd you draw this ?

Fang : On the plane... Heheh.

Fang went red it the face and gives a dorky smile. Min takes the book from Ying and looks at the picture.

Min: Oh wow Fang this is so pretty! You can draw so well!

Lin takes it from Min and looks at the drawing too. She starts flipping through the book as well.

Lin:Wow kid, you've got a talent for art.

Fang: Oh thank you.

Lin: Oh, are these your parents?

Lin shows back a page, the sight makes Fang's eyes widen. It wasn't a drawing of his parents, it was a drawing of Kul'dar and his wife, Lin'ai. He had drawn it a while ago, on the day of their anniversary to put on their grave, but he didn't have the strength to finish it. It hurt him too much.

Fang: O-Oh.. no those aren't my parents , they were my godparents.

Wei: ... were?

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