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Mandarin: []
Malay: Nothing.

Ying taps her foot impatiently as the train ran along the tracks to the island. Yang was next to her and her grandmother was across from them asleep. Yang could sense her daughter's tense feelings and after a bit finally looks over at her.

Yang: Ying, it'll be fine. How many times has that boy overworked himself and his body forced him to sleep. Remember when he passed out on Field day when you guys were still in primary.

Ying: That's different. He was only out for an hour at most and he only passed out because of heat stroke. Boboiboy passed out too later as well. But It's been almost two days and he still hasn't woken up. That's the longest he's ever taken to- Hmm...

Yang: We'll be there soon don't worry.



















The Chinese girl sped down the street towards the park, cursing out her boyfriend in her head.

Ying POV: This idiot! Making me worry much- imma kill him!

She ran up to Tok Aba's cafe and skidded to a stop. Tok and Ochobot were there, along with Gopal and a few costumers at the other seats.

Ochobot: Ying!

Gopal: Didn't your train come less that 5 minutes ago?

Ying: Can someone tell me what the heck happened! Why did Fang pass out!? Is he still asleep!? Wha-

Tok Aba: Ying! Calm down. Gopal go take her down to where Fang is and explain.

Gopal gestures to the seat next to him and Ying reluctantly sits down. Ochobot activates the chute and the two go down to TAPOPS HQ. Yaya was walking with Air a bucket and rag in her hand. Cahaya was also there at the control center fixing something and Petir was next to him looking bored, handing him the tools he asks for. Tanah was reading something on the lounge chairs and Angin and Api were sitting with Pipi and Otoi apparently helping them with homework. The lighting element was the first to notice them come in.

Petir: Ying!

The others look over at them.

Tanah: Ying? Your train came in already?

Ying: Where's Fang? Is he awake yet?

Yaya: No... he spiked a fever and that's why he collapsed.

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