Chapter 11:The Great Slaughter and the Birth of the Legendary Protector, Part 3

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Author's note: Castellan Theodor's point of view.

Following a minute of silence, the enemy commander finally spoke. He extended to us an offer of surrender and promised no bloodshed if we didn't resist.

"Salutations, noble people of the North, I am Devos Sicarius, commander of the empire's militia, and I have come forth in order to show your people his highness' merciful and compassionate heart."

The commander then took a deep breath and resumed.

"There is no need for bloodshed; open the gate of your city, and no harm will be done to you; his highness promises eternal wealth and prosperity for his subject! However, resist, and you will die."

I approached the walls and amplified my voice before answering.

"Hiemifallum knows no cowards; Hiemifallum knows no traitors, only loyalty to her majesty! How can I, Theodor von Yikes, give you wicked and vicious monsters this holy city? Needless killings? Eternal wealth and prosperity? Do not make me laugh! You savages didn't bother extending such an invitation to the villages standing in the way of your armies, didn't you? Tell that unworthy dog you serve; your emperor to go back and drink his mother's milk! If he wants to take this city, he will have to do it on my dead body!"

The commander got angry at my answer.

"Presumptuous! How dare you slander his imperial majesty? You, hoes offspring, better wash your necks! All of you Kereyans are filthy slaves! Hpmf! Who dares challenge me to a duel?!"

An invitation to a challenge was a common tradition before a great battle. Normally, I should send one of my best men, but they all went with Lord Artoria. Regardless, this commander is too experienced and strong for any of them to fare against him. It is time for me to step up.

As I was about to answer this duel call, Lady Pallidra spoke in a monotone tone, as if she were talking to worms.

"So are these the fearless imperial legions? They are so tiny; how can such tiny men insult my father, slandering his origins?! Unforgivable! Champion, bring forth the offering."

The champion, who was too imposing to be on the walls, stood at the gates. He climbed the stairs, carrying a prisoner; if I remember well, he was Heinrich something. Apparently, he was captured in the city sewers and was planning to open the gates for the enemy with an elite troop.

Upon the champion's appearance, the enemy militia and knights felt intimidated.

"Champion, show our enemies our regard for stupidity and silly strategies."

With a quiet nod, the champion launched Heinrich off the walls. Fortunately for him, the snow was dense enough to cushion the impact as the man dropped from the high walls, screaming with all of his might. Still, the breaking of his bones was audible to all. He was obviously in pain, and it was obvious that his legs were broken, but he got to his feet almost violently, his body twisted into strange positions. He unmistakably began to limp as he suddenly charged the enemy leader, appearing more like an undead person due to his wounds. "Save your life; get away from me!" he shouted right away.

The enemy commander was confused, but despite the strangeness of the situation, he still made a wise choice and dashed away from the limping knight At the last moment, the 40 men who were with him didn't have such luck as the limping knight's body began swelling in the blink of an eye. After reaching a critical size in a matter of milliseconds, he blew up, exploding like a major mine.

It was a shocking sight. I don't know what vicious technique was used on the prisoner, but it sure wasn't an arcane spell! It is terrifying!

If I were terrified, then I could hardly imagine how the enemy felt upon witnessing such an inhumane spell up close.

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