him again

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^Allie at the top ^
please, guys REMEBER the fact that this is in the early 2000s when and was like 13
or 14. Ok? Ok.
Allie's Pov
Two weeks later
we just pulled up to our new house and I was anxious to see my new room. Saying goodbye to nan was kinda hard cause she kept pulling back when I tried to escape her tight ass hugs.

As I stared out at our new house I saw a couple come out of the house next door, the wife squealing running towards the car while my mother jumped out of the car to embrace her in a huge hug while the dad just bro patted my father. While I, as awkward as I am, just sat in the car like an idiot.

"Sweetheart, come out and see our good friends the Biersacks" my father said. As I unbuckled the seatbelt and opened the car door I saw their front door open again and a boy with pitch black hair wearing a misfits t-shirt and black skinny jeans with all to familiar set of aqua blue eyes greeted mine as he walked towards us.

"Andy, come meet the Gurneys. Of course you remember Allison, right?" his mother asked him hopefully.

"Yeah." he responded with no emotion. And then there was a long yet awkward silence that Mr. Biersack broke by saying "well then, we'll just let you guys settle in and then we can start catching up on life." he said and him and his wife went inside of their home while my parents went into our new house. Then there was me and Andy.

"Umm.... it's nice to see you again" I said as I pulled out his dog tag and tossed it to him which he caught with a surprised face.

"You kept it?" he said more to himself than me with a smile on his face, which I replied with, "Yeah, and I really hope you kept the dragonfly clip." I said.

He put the dog tag on and pulled out my clip from his back pocket and tossed to me.

"Then I guess I'll see you around, Andy." I said as I put the clip in my hair.

"Yeah, I'll see you around." he said with a small smile on his face.

I turned around and went into my new home to be greeted by my mother.

"So? Are you and Andy friends again? my mother asked with hope.

"Yeah, I guess we are friends again." I said with a smirk as I walked upstairs in to new room.

This is my new home from now on I thought with a huge grin on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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