Chapter IX

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Two years had passed since the tragic accident claimed Shinichiro's life. Baji found himself held back a grade after spending months in juvenile detention. Meanwhile, Kazutora, enduring a two-year sentence, took it upon himself to shield Baji from the lingering repercussions of their shared experiences.

In this time span, Toman had undergone substantial growth, marked by internal divisions and the gradual emergence of Captains to lead each faction. All, however, continued to place unwavering trust in Mikey, despite his deep-seated resentment towards Kazutora, maintaining a stance of unforgiveness.

Despite this tension, Amalie and even Kol made regular visits to Kazutora and Baji. Forgiveness, they realized, was a slow process that evolved with time. Witnessing Kazutora's shattered state, a stark contrast to the jovial person he once was, deeply affected Amalie. She yearned for things to return to how they were, but that wish seemed impossible.

At 14 years old, Amalie, often remarked upon by Wakasa for her angelic beauty, found herself navigating high school with a persistent frown, searching for her brother. Aware that Kol, Mikey and Draken often skipped class, she sighed, feeling frustrated by her unsuccessful attempts to locate him.

Luckily, Draken, a constant presence in Amalie's life, offered reassurance and stability," Where's my stupid brother ?". She muttered in exasperation.

Unable to find him, she pulled out her phone and dialed Kol's number. After a short wait, he answered, revealing he had skipped school to wander the city.

Amalie's frustration peaked," I thought we were going home together ! Mom's there for the week, and if she finds out you skipped, you'll be grounded !".

Kol's nonchalant reply irked hern" Sorry, sis. It's boring seeing the same things over and over. Besides, Mom won't know unless you spill the beans".

Slyly, Amalie seized the opportunity," Fine, I won't tell if you buy me that cute jacket I saw last time".

Kol's incredulous response echoed through the phone, but Amalie, mischief gleaming in her eyes, quickly hung up without allowing him to react.

In that moment, Amalie keenly missed her twin. Together, they were a force, especially when it came to driving their brothers crazy. Buying clothes, a shared joy with Rebekah, now felt incomplete even with Emma's company.

With a heavy sigh, Amalie returned her phone to her bag before exiting the school. She exchanged pleasantries with her comrades, her steps slow and deliberate as she made her way through the streets, the sky above tinged with hues of pink.

As Amalie meandered through the streets, her mind toggled between the possibility of visiting Wakasa and the unfolding events of the day. Near a quaint square, the unmistakable thud of a punch disrupted her musings, urging her to investigate. A cluster of boys had gathered around a blond figure named Hanagaki, sprawled on the ground and slowly regaining consciousness.

" Hey, Hanagaki's awake". Announced a boy adorned with a mask.

" You're not supposed to get knocked out in one hit, dumbass. Everyone's betting money on you". Chided another.

" Don't give 'em a shitty match. Right, Kiyomasa ?". Added the masked boy.

At the mention of Kiyomasa, Amalie's brow furrowed. She recognized him as a member of Pah-chin's division, someone she had always found excessively arrogant. Now, she couldn't fathom why he was present, watching as Hanagaki struggled on the ground.

" If we can't get any spectators, our fighting ring's done for. Anyway, let's take this loser and teach him a lesson". Declared Kiyomasa.

Two boys ruthlessly kicked Hanagaki while he curled into a fetal position for protection.

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