The Sleepover

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"Welcome in guys, i'll show you where the bathroom is too. By the way, you guys are welcome to have a shower if you want before bed...or whatever" Matt offers

They give us the full tour of the place. We decide to make some popcorn and get some drinks to watch a movie in the living room.

As soon as we go to sit down the clock chimes for midnight and everyone turns to me and gives me a big group hug
Never in my life have I felt so much love and I couldn't wait to actually celebrate the day with these amazing people.

We finished the movie, and I decided to have a shower before bed (I have a weird thing about getting in bed feeling dirty)

Chris handed me a towel but before I got in I realised, I didn't have any clothes other than what I was wearing

"Hey Chris...Um I...don't have any..Uh"

"Oh sorry here i'll get you one of my tees and shorts to wear for tonight"

Chris Hands me the clothes with a smile and I take a shower.

-20 Minutes later-

I walk out, and Alicia is wearing what looks to be Matt's clothes

"So which room do you two wanna sleep in?" Says Nick

Alicia and I look at eachother frantically

"How bout you both sleep in my room and I'll sleep in Matt's with him that way you get a bed to yourselves. Feel free to knock on the door if you need anything" Chris says with a gentle smile on his face.

So we head off to Chris' room to sleep

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