Car videos

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We come downstairs to see Matt driving (of course he is only one with his license after all) and weirdly Nick and Chris are sitting next to each other in the back seat.

Alicia turns to me and says "SHOTGUN" and I roll my eyes and sit next to Chris in the back seat. I Can't complain...

"Morning sleepy heads" Nick says "You must be zonked! don't worry we are on our way to get coffee now"

I sigh with relief, "So what's the plan for today then?"

"Well, we figured that we don't know you both very well and we had an idea if you guys are up for it?" Matt says

Alicia and I look at each other curiously. Could they be talking about their youtube channel?

"So did you two look at our instagram accounts by any chance? if you looked at mine the most i don't blame you" Chris said as he winked at me jokingly

I smile back, "Well actually, We both had a bit of a look. Didn't realise we would be meeting the next Dolan Twins on our trip...well the Dolan...Triplets...You know what, nevermind"

Chris laughed at my joke but the others didn't seem to think it was very funny :/

"Yes, we did have a look, So what do you guys do then, we saw your youtube briefly that's really cool that you guys have gotten so far with that stuff"

I would say Alicia was saying that to all the triplets, but she could not take her eyes off of Matt.

"Well we basically just chat shit in the car whilst eating to be honest. Sometimes we put polls on our instagram for people to put suggestions or questions and we answer them in the video." Nick says

"That actually leads us to our next question, We kind of wanna do a poll on our instagram for people to ask you guys questions? That way we kind of get to know you guys too" Matt says with a sweet smile on his face

"I know I already have one I wanna ask" Chris says

Honestly i've always wanted to start a youtube channel so i thought it might be fun so Alicia and I agreed to join their video.

The Sturniolo Triplets Where stories live. Discover now