5 - Underworld

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5 - Underworld

(No way he said the thing‼️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️💯‼️‼️)

Kale calls the number on Sasuke's card.

"This is the number for Sasuke Kataka, I can't come to the phone now. Try again later loser," A voicemail plays, but following is a sequence of beeps and strange noises that end in a message from a computer, "Please speak your authorized code to continue."

He stares at his cell phone as cars pass on the road in front of him.

"I uh- Apple-Zebra-Chocolate-Pie" he hesitates.

"Access denied," the call ends.

"Damn it to hell!" he throws his phone on the sidewalk.

A bus stops nearby, and he climbs aboard, "who else knows Sasuke Kataka...?" he thinks.


Kale approaches the gates to Misaki's home, the wall surrounding the beautiful grass hills, gardens and the mansion within. He hits the intercom.

"State your name and purpose, Mister?" The intercom replies.

"It's Kale. Tell Misaki, he'll know."

"Sorry but we need more information,"

"Fuck it," he starts climbing the gate, struggling to pull himself up but eventually making it to the top, before jumping and rolling onto the grass, landing on his side with a pained groan.

Ame and a guard exit the house and run toward Kale as he approaches the house.

"Young man you are trespassing on private property!" He yells.

Ame, recognizing Kale, stops the guard with his hand, "Just a moment, the master has invited this boy here before..."

"Ame! Aiden!" Misaki's voice calls out from the house.

They turn to face the boy in the doorway. He approaches with an elegant stride, a smile on his face.

"Ah! Kale~ I see you finally decided to show up. Welcome back," he turns to Ame and his guard, "Shoo, this is important business you know~!"

Ame and the guard leave them, Misaki taking Kale by the arm and leading him Inside.

"Yesterday was amazing Kale, you really impressed me you know. You have my gratitude. Don't get used to it, it's challenging to please me as you know~!" He boasts, his voice loud.

He drags Kale through the mansion but stops as he notices his silent attitude.

"Hm? Why do you have that expression Kale?" Misaki's tone drops.

"I just need your help... That's all."

"Well you don't just get to simply use me you know— Wait a minute, this is about the media isn't it?" Misaki laughs, "You get used to the attention. But don't say you didn't expect it hanging out with me and all~! People love to make up stories you know!"

"Misaki, please... It's not about that. Yet..."

Misaki's expression fades, he bears a serious look for just a moment, "Well then, let's talk in the hot spring, I'm in need of a relaxing dip."

He's led to a beautiful outdoor hot spring with dark tiles and a fence that encloses the artificial rocks and water. Misaki takes in the sight and takes a deep breath, his sly demeanor returning as he begins to undress, "Well, don't keep me waiting now. Lay on me what it is you need my assistance with~"

"I need your help finding someone, or finding some sort of secret code for this person. His name is Sasuke Kataka... Do you know him? Know of him?" Kale asks, his eyes looking around the room.

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