3 - Familiar Markings

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3-Familiar Markings

Kale tends to the cuts on his arms in his bathroom when the telephone rings in the other room, the landline mounted on the wall in the living room. He doesn't answer right away, finishing the last of his bandages. He stares at himself in the mirror for a moment, before going to the phone, not bothering to dress himself and answering.



"Kale you ditched me last night you know that!? How rude of you!" Misaki shouts.

"Misaki I—"

"You better be sorry. Hmph, I invite you into my home and let you spend the night! You ran off and ditched me. What happened?"

Kale stares in silence, trying to think of something, anything.

"You got cold feet," Misaki sneers.

"That's not—"

"It doesn't matter... I guess you didn't want to be friends after all."

"Misaki I had something come up. It was really important."

"So important you couldn't spare me a goodbye?" Misaki scoffs. "Whatever..."

"What do you want? I don't have all day..." Kale rolls his eyes.

"I arranged a lunch date for us. At The Golden Room by the beach," Misaki informs, "It's the best restaurant in town and they know me. So you bet I get the VIP treatment! They always send out their best waiter just for me."

"And when is this date?"

"Lunch is at noon," Misaki tells him, "I expect you to be there."

"Yeah... sure," Kale agrees half-heartedly. "I'll be there."

"Don't sound too excited Kaley~ You know you—"

Kale hangs up the phone.

There's a knock on the door. Kale answers, "Finally. Can you make break—"

"Wow. How special~" Sasuke pushes his way into Kale's apartment, looking around at the barren interior with a cocky smirk, "thanks for the naked answer sexy boy, it's just what I like~"

Kale eyes the impodent boy, "what the hell are you doing here? How did you get my address?"

He lifts his shirt, revealing a large red nocturnal pentagram tattoo on his stomach, and a card taped over his left nipple, with Kale's address written on it.

what the fuck.

Kale stares.

"I have connections~" he puts his hands behind his head and relaxes against the doorframe.

"I can see that..." Kale sighs, "But do you have a reason to be here?"

Sasuke holds the card.

"The card you took~" Sasuke waves it around with a smile, "my offer~ any thought?"

"I said I'd call you..." Kale crosses his arms.

Sasuke looks around the apartment, "your place is quite..." he glances at Kale with an unimpressed look, "humble, don't you think?"

The door bursts open as Carla steps in, carrying two plastic bags with a sly smile, "Heeeeeeeeeey~!" she calls out, before dropping the bags at the sight of Kale naked and a strange boy standing in front of him.

"Who the fuck are you!?" She shouts at Sasuke.

"Calm down, I'm just here to sell Kale something," he looks over Kale's form with an impressed glance, "maybe he'll even let me give it to him for free."

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